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2018-06-12 (GCS 1.6.7, BQ 0.10.8)

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@medb medb released this 12 Jun 22:35
· 18 commits to branch-1.6.x since this release


Cloud Storage connector:

  1. Remove Hadoop3 support.
  2. Add interface through which user can directly provide the access token.
  3. Update Hadoop dependencies to 2.8.4 version.
  4. Add more retries and error handling in GoogleCloudStorageReadChannel, to make it more resilient to network errors; also add a property to allow users to specify number of retries on low level GCS HTTP requests in case of server errors and I/O errors.
  5. Add properties to allow users to specify connect timeout and read timeout on low level GCS HTTP requests.
  6. Include prefix/directory objects metadata into storage.objects.list requests response to improve performance (i.e. set includeTrailingDelimiter parameter for storage.objects.list GCS requests to true).

BigQuery connector:

  1. POM updates for GCS connector 1.6.7.
  2. Remove Hadoop3 support.
  3. Deprecate BigQueryOutputFormat in favor of IndirectBigQueryOutputFormat.
  4. Add interface through which user can directly provide the access token.