to infinity
Why does anything cling to something? Maybe they love wherever they’re going so much that it’s worth it. Maybe they’ll keep coming back, until there’s only one star left.
Maybe that one star will make the trip forever, out of the hope that someday—if it keeps coming back often enough—another star will find it again.
and beyond!
The law doesn't protect people. People protect the law. People have always detested evil and sought out a righteous way of living. Their feelings, the accumulation of those people's feelings, are the law. They're neither the provisions nor the system. They're the fragile and irreplaceable feelings that everyone carries in their hearts.

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A rant about my school.
Credit to Reddit r/SGExams

okay so, I really need to vent about my school. this place hasn’t been kind to my mental state at all. there’s so many things that I can bemoan about this place but I can mostly just separate it into two things:

The Teachers

the school has one of the worst track-records on hiring practices I’ve ever seen. I mainly have gripes with their process or lack-thereof of hiring suitable teachers and some of the veteran staff.

i’ll just start off by talking about my chemistry tutor. so this guy basically always wears black for some god-unknown reason and it would actually be kinda funny in a goth way f it wasn’t for the fact that he has one of the worst RBFs I’ve ever seen, coupled with his unfriendly personality. he’s really dismissive of our questions and always thinks that if we don’t know something it’s because we didn’t put in the effort to read the lecture notes. there was one time when i was struggling with a reaction and i asked him after class and he responded “If you bothered opening your lecture notes you would have known.”. he really seems to hate all of us who are somehow not as magically gifted at the subject as he is. if there is one redeeming factor about him it would be the fact that even though he’s an asshole to all of us, he’s an asshole most to this jock douchebag in my class (i’ll get into him later).

so that’s the veteran staff part taken care of. this school seems to have like a rotating assembly of teachers. Your tutors are always rotated out after a damn short stint and I’m pretty sure I’ve never had a tutor who didn’t skimp out on us after more than 7-8 months. the school also doesn’t seem to have any sort of vetting procedures for hiring replacement tutors which i can illustrate with two of my recent literature tutors.

there was one time they hired this guy to be our lit tutor and like less than 3-4 months into the job the dude was bloody arrested because he had links to some extremist organisation (or something) and we had to scramble to make do because it was just before our CTs.

they hired this other dude to replace him but holy shit, this guy was so incompetent it wasn’t even funny. like… ya granted he published quite a few books but this man was so egoistic and self-absorbed it was honestly impossible to glean anything from what he was saying when he wasn’t talking about his experiences writing singlit. who needs to learn about literary devices when u can just listen to a live audiobook of his autobiography amirite?

Selective Enforcement of Discipline

this is the real kicker imo. it’s fine if the teachers aren’t the best because we can still self-study to a certain extent but it seems like the school turns a blind eye to certain students when they break the rules.

there’s this rich kid whose dad is some high-up CEO or something. you would think that in reality people don’t exactly fit into stereotypes that you see on television but this kid was truly the walking stereotype of asshole rich kid. the kid sports an undercut and i’m pretty sure he dyed his hair grey but for some reason the teachers don’t really care that much. he is also somehow both elitist and racist at the same time. there was one time i saw him talking to one of my classmates and he flat out called her a slur because she was mixed which is not even remotely okay, even as a joke. what makes it worse was that it was quite clear that he meant it seriously. this kid makes unironic statements about how poor the rest of us are: there was one time when he mocked my friend for coming to school in hand-me-down uniforms that were not his size. he always thinks that just because his dad is some big boss somewhere that he has carte blanche to be a douche. i’ve heard of stories where some teacher actually dared to scold him and he said that he would tell his dad about this and threatened the teacher’s job. thankfully he keeps mostly to himself and the only two friends he has (who i suspect are only friends because of his money) so i don’t have to interact with him much.

at the same time i’m also somehow unlucky enough to also have the textbook definition of rowdy jock in my class as well. this guy is in the rugby team and on first glance this guy looks like quite a studious nerd: he has round glasses and his hair is reasonably well-kempt. but the thing is he causes so much mayhem and trouble wherever he goes, like every schoolyear he’ll be involved in some major incident of some kind but the teachers and principal (in particular) disproportionately appear to adore him and always overlooks the stuff he pulls.

there was one time he caused the entire toilet to flood when he was up to his antics (also supposedly the whole toilet was trashed but the school covered it up so i’m not sure what actually went on beyond the wet floors) and i’m pretty sure he didn’t get detention or anything from it. there was also another incident where he came to school driving with his friend’s car AND HE CRASHED THE CAR INTO THE TREE IN THE CAR PARK. but again, nothing happened to him.

zzz… yeah lah. this is my daily life now. i guess this post is just a warning to the rest of y'all out there considering schools to really consider the environment and ask ur seniors about how life is there. from one sullen ignoramus to another: don’t come to Hogwarts.