Fantasy & Fanfiction

The Bagel AU

Once upon a time there was a fanfiction author who reblogged this post, which led to a discussion of the various ways in which a solavellan ‘bagel AU’ might happen, which ultimately led to this - the Bagel AU, aka the Bagelverse, a modern AU where Solas and Lavellan run competing bagel shops. But really they just fall in love. Like dorks.

Because I am incapable of restraint, the Bagel AU has some crossovers with my other fics (mainly Looking Glass; mainly so Looking Glass OC’s can get some baked goods and happiness). Also, you can find it on AO3.

The Main Series:

The Bagel AU

Bagel AU Follow-up Wicked Grace

More Follow-up Wicked Grace

Lavellan Eats Solas’ Bagel

Rainy Morning Fluff

Solas Sees Lavellan’s Apartment (NSFW)

Lavellan Watches Solas Touch Himself (NSFW)

Birthday (NSFW)

Another Birthday (NSFW)

Light Reading

Light Reading, Follow-Up

Solas Does a Proper Proposal

Sick Fic

Cassandra Reacts to the Proposal

Feast Day

Bagel AU AU Where Bull Opens a Bagel Shop

Bull’s Bagel Shop Short

Vivienne’s Party (Solas POV)

Fighting the Red Menace


The Sweater

Valentine’s Snuggling

Andruil and Ghilan'nain

Counting Freckles

Kitchen Appliances

National Donut Day


Crash, 2

Root Beer

Pregnancy Cravings

Picking Baby Names


Cassandra and Abelas

More Cass and Abelas

Cassabelas Continues

Cassandra’s POV

Crossover and AU Shenanigans:

Dark!Solas in the Bagel AU

Spirit!Pride in the Bagel AU

Spirit!Pride Possesses a Bagel

Spirit!Pride First Date