Fantasy & Fanfiction

About Me & My Stories

I am Feynite on AO3, and Feynites here on tumblr. Thanks for taking an interest in me! I’m an author of fanfiction (mostly Dragon Age fanfiction at the moment), which I post here and on my Archive of Our Own account. I’m a hobby writer, not a published author, but I’ve spent a lot of years practicing my writing and working to improve on it. It’s something I greatly enjoy. I do have an interest in doing it professionally, but it’s not something I’m pursuing at the moment. Plus I find fanfiction very fulfilling in and of itself.

My first major fic, The Dread Wolf’s Heart, went over surprisingly well, and after it was done I began writing a second long-form Dragon Age fanfiction called Looking Glass. After some interest grew, I started this tumblr. It has since spiralled into a massive web of fanworks and fanworks based on previous fanworks that can sometimes be a little hard to follow.

To break it down, many of my stories have inspired snippets, drabbles, and other tie-in content. Some of these stories are speculation on what would happen under slightly different circumstances – AU or ‘what if?’ style branching plotlines, essentially. There are also some crossovers between my different fics. It can get complex, and confusing, but here are the big ones:

The Dread Wolf’s Heart is a time-travel story where Lavellan goes back a few years, in spirit form, and meets Solas in the Fade. It was started prior to the release of the Trespasser DLC, so a lot of the speculation in it has been proven non-canon, rendering it an AU. This story inspired a ‘what if?’ scenario in my mind, where the end of the plot played out much differently, and led to the creation of a dark version of Solas with godlike power. After I mentioned its existence, some interest was expressed in this fanfic-of-a-fanfic, so I shared the first part of it on tumblr. This story has since become known as the TDWH AU, and spawned even more speculation on possible branching paths – and several smut prompts – that led to it becoming a three-part fic in its own right, with various smaller AU’s manifesting in bits and pieces.

Looking Glass is my most popular story, featuring original characters and a young version of Solas who is referred to as Pride. Pride is a distinct enough character from Solas that it’s fairly common for me to get prompts requesting other versions of Solas-centric stories with Pride substituted in for him. In addition to these, Pride’s perspective on the main story – which is told from Lavellan’s point of view – is also a common prompt. There are also several speculative branching AU’s, where ‘what if?’ scenarios such as ‘what if Solas had gone back in time with Lavellan?’ and ‘what if Lavellan had gone back even further in time?’ have accumulated, some as one-off’s, and others as multi-part short stories.

The Bagel AU is a modern day AU where Solas and Lavellan own rival bagel shops. It was inspired by a series of jokes, mostly centred around a text post about how shipping inevitably devolves from a desire for heart-rending literary perfection to ‘aww yeah bagel au’. The initial story proved popular enough that people wanted continuations, and wondered what it would be like if Pride was in this AU instead of Solas, and the crack ship of Abelas and Cassandra came up, and it basically became the primary repository for fluff and feel-good comfort stories.

The Couch Fic is the ultimate case of me writing fanfiction of my own fanfiction, and fanfiction of my own fanfiction’s fanfiction. In one of the Bagel AU fics, Solas reads a book featuring a character who is much like the canonical version of himself, and ends up on Lavellan’s couch eating ice cream and complaining about it. This eventually inspired some jokes about Pride wanting to sit on Lavellan’s couch and complain about the canonical version of Solas, which then led to a prompt for the canonical version of Solas to sit on Lavellan’s couch and be defended. Somehow my brain translated this as ‘trippy fic wherein Solas sits upon a couch that somehow transcends universes and allows him to speak with alternate versions of himself and Lavellan, and also occasionally other people, and doesn’t get defended at all’. It is exactly as weird as it sounds.

The vast majority of my ‘crossovers of crossovers of AU fanfiction I’ve written’ type stuff is only available on tumblr (you can find it via my Ficlets page). At first all of my offshoot stuff was also tumblr-only, but as interest has accumulated, I’ve moved more things over to AO3 as well. My longest fics – The Dread Wolf’s Heart and Looking Glass – are only on AO3 due to being massive and having fairly long chapters (especially TDWH).

I have some anxiety issues I’m working through, so I prefer not to get negative critique on my stuff at this time, but I welcome questions and interest in my stories, and in writing and fantasy in general. You can shoot me an ask or a chat, I’m typically fine with both! I welcome prompts, but I only tend to fill them as the inspiration strikes. I am mostly a ‘post when the work is done’ type of writer, so update schedules are not so much my thing. But if you’re curious about progress on any of my work, drop me a line, and I’ll just tell you where I’m at. Currently the only story I have that’s on hiatus is The Haven Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre (Bagel Fic sort of ate my fluffier inclinations and Looking Glass takes up more of my plotting brain, so I’ve been blocked on it, sadly). Some stuff, like The Dread Wolf’s Heart AU and Bagel Bites, update more or less as the mood (or prompts) strike.

If you’ve made it this far, thanks for reading about me and my stuff! I hope it was illuminating, and that you enjoy the stories.