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Use your vote or others will decide for you
European elections 2024

The importance of your vote

How are EU leaders appointed?

Following the elections, the European Parliament votes to approve the new President of the European Commission, as well as the entire College of Commissioners. The new European Commission is then appointed by the European Council.

What does your vote decide?

European elections are held every five years to elect your representatives in the European Parliament, the world’s only directly elected transnational assembly. These representatives represent your interests and can shape and decide on new EU legislation. They also vote on new trade agreements, scrutinise the EU institutions and how taxpayers’ money is spent.

Symbolic 2018

EU leaders are discussing the EU’s direction and goals for the next five years.

How and when to vote?

If you are an EU citizen, you have the right to vote and stand as a candidate in the European elections. Each EU country picks an election day from Thursday to Sunday, 6 - 9 June 2024.

Young people wearing the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) t-shirt

Information and events for young people on the elections

Want to spread the word?

You can play an active role in spreading the word about the elections, the EU’s benefits and opportunities. Encourage others to vote and share their thoughts about the elections.


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Teaching material, games and much more about the EU and the elections, for children, teenagers, teachers and parents

For any further questions about the European elections, contact the EU in writing or by calling 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 from inside the EU (free phone) or 0032 2 299 96 96 from outside the EU (standard international rate).