
Simplifying waste disposal and recycling.

WEEE 1-1 takeback for online retailers

We help online retailers comply with the EU WEEE Directive by providing a one-for-one free recycling service for old electrical and electronic equipment when consumers buy new products online.

WEEE takeback

We provide customers with takeback services for waste electrical and electronic equipment. It can be a one-off collection or routine collections, UK only or international in scope — whatever you need.

Waste batteries collection and treatment

We provide customers with takeback and treatment services for all types of waste batteries. It can be a one-off collection or routine collections, UK only or international in scope — whatever you need.

Secure destruction

We provide customers with a range of secure and verified solutions to meet their circumstances – product recalls, protection of personal and other sensitive data.

WEEE takeback enquiry form

Contact us

Compliance Services & Tender Enquiries – [email protected]

For all enquiries

Other services

ERP provides simple pricing and great customer service reducing the complexity of compliance for our members. Additionally, our Data Service produce accurate data reports, which ensure that companies stay compliant, helping reduce your costs.

ERP Batteries Icon in SVG

Batteries Compliance

Simplifying the recycling of portable batteries

ERP Packaging Solution Icon

Packaging Compliance

Simplifying the recycling of packaging

Data services

Simplifying your data and submissions

Plastic Packaging Tax

Simplifying your plastic packaging tax submissions

EPR (new service)

Consulting on all EPR matters

Landbell Group

ERP is part of the Landbell Group – the leading global supplier of environmental and chemical compliance solutions.

Find out more at: www.landbell-group.com