Media interests

Been a long time since I updated this but hey! Here’s things I’m into & you can probably expect to see show up from time to time. 


  • A Song of Ice and Fire - Yes I wholeheartedly enjoy this series, I’m still hopeful for The Winds of Winter, and I’ve never seen the show nor do I especially want to. Read all 5 current books, plus The World of Ice and Fire.
  • Wings of Fire - … I don’t know if I should be embarrassed or not, but fuck it, it’s a series that focuses on dragons, there’s gay dragons, and they’re a load of fun, so fuck it I guess. Entire series & all Winglets to date. (On a similar note: I still have a fondness for & occasionally read through Warriors and Guardians of Ga'Hoole.)
  • A Series of Unfortunate Events - Big fave through teen years and I still enjoy them a fair bit. Netflix series was pretty solid!
  • The Hunger Games - Only read them in… 2019 or 2020, so I was definitely late, but pretty decent stuff. All 4 books.
  • Most anything Stephen King. Favorites are Cujo, IT, and Misery.
  • October DayeWayward Children - Absolute delights and frequent go-tos.
  • The Heretic’s Guide to Homecoming
  • And then various other things you’ll see from time to time.

Video Games:

  • Pokemon - Still love it, certified Gen 5 fanboy here; though Legends: Arceus and Violet have shot up very high in my list of faves. (Favorite ‘mon is Mewtwo, which was settled years before finding out it has my birthday lol)
  • Mass Effect - Look sometimes you play a flawed but still amazing sci-fi game when you’re like, 17, and it just rewrites something in your brain chemistry. I can and will talk for hours if in the right mood.
  • Metroid - Off and on play, the amount of hype I had seeing Dread coming true was unreal.
  • Animal Crossing - New Leaf mostly, but I finally have New Horizons.. and that’s about it lol. Don’t play it as much as I’d like to but I do love to think about it.
  • WarioWare - Seriously why isn’t there more WarioWare love. It’s so fun. Play it. For god’s sake go find an emulator or something and play it they’re so much fun-
  • Castlevania and Bloodstained - BLAME PD FOR THIS ONE kinda anyway. Loved Dawn of Sorrow for a while, but I’ve recently been getting more into the series, and have played Dawn + Aria of Sorrow (… ok actually I still have to beat Aria but I’m extremely close), and Symphony of the Night. And then Symphony of the Night: Remastered Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, which I’m dearly hoping gets a second installment at some point because it’s a load of fun. 
  • Spyro - Original/Remake trilogy + Legends trilogy, been with it for 23 years and still going strong!
  • Half Life & Portal - … I do still dream of closure. 
  • Bioshock - 1 & 2, Infinite maybe. Burial at Sea part 2 made me understand the people who felt Mass Effect got ruined by the ending & also Daisy deserved better damn it :\
  • Final Fantasy - 7, 10, 10-2, & 12 are the ones I’ve actually played, I’ve got plans for 8 & 9 in the near-ish future though. X-2 is still pretty much my favorite (12 is damn near tied though) and yes, my name is lifted from that one Rikku battle line. 


  • Dragonball/Z/Super - I don’t follow it extremely close, but I’ve developed an immense appreciation for the Dragonball franchise! (And yes also DBZA)
  • One Piece - legit started it only because I was amused I shared my birthday with a character. Stopped somewhere around the start of Punk Hazard, waiting for English dub to carry forward. 
  • Hellsing Ultimate: Yeah June 2022-November 2023 have been protracted Hellsing fixation phases here and I apologize for absolutely nothing, especially the blorbofication of Heinkel Wolfe.
  • Fairy Tail - Way more engaging than it had any right to be, completed full (dubbed) series + 2 movies. As you may have guessed by the icon: expect a focus on Gajeel & general Gajevy content :D
  • Sailor Moon - Back and forth on whether I’m watching it or not, 90’s anime is my preferred canon. Not a fan of Crystal’s style, manga access is iffy but I do hope to read it all properly one day. mostly here for Mako, Ami, and MakoAmi content.
  • FMA - Brotherhood mostly, but I have watched it and the ‘03 anime!
  • Death Note - Teenage edgelord days never die, Death Note is a perennial fave. Naomi Misora deserved infinitely better :\ 
  • Star Wars series of various stripes - The Clone Wars, The Bad Batch, The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett & Obi Wan so far!
  • And then various others that may show up but I can’t say I get really into the fandom of?? But things like Rick and MortyFuturama, MLP (against all logic I legit want to rewatch it ok-), and… idk. Other stuff. I fully admit I run primarily towards animated stuff |D


  • MCU - Not as into it as I used to be, but a lot of Phase 1-3 stuff is movie comfort food and you might occasionally see things about it here and there.
  • Ghibli anything - It’s pretty, what can I say? Favorite is Howl’s Moving Castle, but it’s by a very narrow margin.
  • Saw series - Have yet to see Jigsaw or Spiral, but I have seen the original 7 + 10.
  • Star Wars: YEAH I FINALLY WATCHED IT all 9 core movies so far, but I’m more invested in most of the TV series.
  • Various others - I don’t keep up with movies I’ve seen too well tbh, you’ll get what you get.


  • I don’t follow many artists so much as I just pick what I like. The artists I do actively follow/go for regularly tend to be: Aimee Mann, My Chemical Romance, Green Day, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, and AFI/Blaqk Audio/Dreamcar.