Reach more customers, quickly.


What are payment links?

Payment links are a quick, simple and secure way to accept payments from your customers wherever they are. Just share a unique link. No need to be a tech whizz to start selling online – but you sure will look like one.

Get started

As easy as 1, 2, 3

Designed with you in mind, there are just a few clicks between you and creating a payment link to a secure checkout page. So you can start getting paid faster than you thought.

Instantly shareable

Share your link the way that works for you – from social media to messaging apps. And your customer can pay with a card or digital wallet.

Selling online, simplified

Say yes to ecommerce without lifting a finger. Payment links are an easy way to dip your toe into the world of online sales without any coding necessary.

Designed with you in mind

Whether you’re a small shop owner, passionate beauty therapist or busy restaurateur – payment links can be your inexpensive avenue to a multi-channel approach.


Accept orders over the phone or online and send your customer a payment link. From click & collect to home deliveries – reaching new clients just got much easier.


Let your diners easily pay by link to secure their table booking, or send guests a pre-auth link. It’s quick and safe for them – and helps you manage your demand along the way.

Health & Beauty

Manage your beauty salon like a pro. Accepting payments in advance should be a no-brainer if you already take bookings online or over the phone.

With Dojo, you can count on...

Customer support

Our friendly UK-based support team is on hand to help 24/7, and we’ll pick up the phone in seconds. Most issues can be fixed remotely, so your business never stops.

Easy PCI compliance

With us, there’s just a few steps between you and PCI compliance. And because you complete it all on the app, there’s no pesky paperwork to deal with.

Next-day transfers

Get your takings the very next day. For free, even on weekends and bank holidays – we’re the only UK payments provider that doesn’t charge you for the privilege.

Your exit fees are on us

If you're already with another provider, we could pay your exit fees up to £3,000 to help you make the switch to us.

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