Growing a business 10 times with Dojo

In the bustling heart of Tamworth, a culinary phenomenon is unfolding at St Editha’s Square. Meet Spudman, the viral sensation in the baked potato world. Owner Ben Newman, known affectionately as Spudman, has transformed a simple spud into a social media superstar. With a sizzling 44 million likes on TikTok, this isn’t just fast food; it’s lightning-fast fame.

Speed to match: Spudman’s TikTok takeover powered by Dojo

When the pandemic moved life online, Ben Newman dove into TikTok – driven by his tech-savvy sons. The results were staggering. “Picture this: my fourth video, just a humble jacket potato, snagged half a million views overnight,” Ben exclaims. Suddenly, Spudman was a household name.

Just tap and go

Before discovering Dojo, Spudman wrestled with the snail-paced slog of outdated payment systems. Imagine a queue snaking around the square, a card machine whimpering for signal. But now, thanks to Dojo Go’s robust 4G magic, Ben’s business bustles without a hitch. “The Dojo [Go] is a workhorse – it just works, no fuss, no muss,” beams Ben. And with transaction times trimmed by 50-60%, who can argue with that?"

From queue to cuisine in seconds

Imagine shaving crucial seconds off every transaction – translating it into smooth, swift service. “Our previous setup took a sluggish five to six seconds per transaction. Dojo [Go] zips through in just two!” says Ben. 

In the whirlwind world of food service, every second matters – allowing staff to focus more on service and customers to enjoy a smoother experience.

Cash to cards: A breezy transition

Gone are the tedious days of counting cash. With 80-90% of transactions now card-based, Spudman enjoys a streamlined, sleek operation. “It’s simpler, cleaner, and just clicks. Dojo makes everything crisp,” Ben explains, clearly relieved to ditch the hassle for a smooth, secure tap.

Bottom line: Spudman soars with Dojo's swift taps.

From a one-man band to a ten-strong team, Spudman’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of smart, swift solutions like Dojo. “We’ve increased the business ten times with Dojo by our side. It’s more than a partnership; it’s a powerhouse,” concludes Ben.

Join the revolution of rapid, reliable payment tech. With Dojo, it’s not just about getting through the day – it’s about owning it. Ready, set, Dojo! Let’s go places, serve smiles, and tap seamlessly – one scorching hot spud at a time.