This is a very broad question abt taurs so I'm not expecting a definitive answer but, how do taurs relax? With an anthro torso coming out perpendicular to a quadruped body it seems like lying down in any position but side on would be troublesome or even painful! I'm thinking of a kind of rig that rests on the quadruped back that allows the upper body to recline but I wonder if u have any thoughts 🎤

HI SORRY i saw this this morning and then forgot to answer. im so smart

depends on the taur, obviously, but for canine n feline and stuff built like those beasts, loafing and laying down on the tummy like how those animals do is generally comfy. i generally just assume taurs (and furries as a whole) are flexible and work off of cartoon logic enough to where the upper body bending back or jsut holding straight up isnt uncomfy. horsies irl can also sit down and they look very silly doing it but they look comfy enough

also yeah laying on the side is generally preferred but i think they live in a world where huge beds n couches are more readily available. most of my taur daydreaming is thinking about large beds and blankets for my large fursona to lay on. i think taur beds n couches are lower to the ground as to allow easier getting on and off