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Managing OAuth access to your organization's data

OAuth app access restrictions allow organization owners to restrict an untrusted app's access to the organization's data. Organization members can then use OAuth apps for their personal accounts while keeping organization data safe.

About OAuth app access restrictions

Organizations can choose which OAuth apps have access to their repositories and other resources by enabling OAuth app access restrictions.

Enabling OAuth app access restrictions for your organization

Organization owners can enable OAuth app access restrictions to prevent untrusted apps from accessing the organization's resources while allowing organization members to use OAuth apps for their personal accounts.

Disabling OAuth app access restrictions for your organization

Organization owners can disable restrictions on the OAuth apps that have access to the organization's resources.

Approving OAuth apps for your organization

When an organization member or outside collaborator requests OAuth app access to organization resources, organization owners can approve or deny the request.

Denying access to a previously approved OAuth app for your organization

If an organization no longer requires a previously authorized OAuth app, owners can remove the application's access to the organization's resources.