Migrate to Indication and Ripple APIs

To improve composition performance of interactive components that use Modifier.clickable, we've introduced new APIs. These APIs allow for more efficient Indication implementations, such as ripples.

androidx.compose.foundation:foundation:1.7.0+ and androidx.compose.material:material-ripple:1.7.0+ include the following API changes:






New ripple() APIs provided in Material libraries instead.

Note: In this context, "Material libraries" refers to androidx.compose.material:material, androidx.compose.material3:material3, androidx.wear.compose:compose-material and androidx.wear.compose:compose-material3.



  • Use the Material library RippleConfiguration APIs, or
  • Build your own design system ripple implementation

This page describes the behavior change impact and instructions for migrating to the new APIs.

Behavior change

The following library versions include a ripple behavior change:

  • androidx.compose.material:material:1.7.0+
  • androidx.compose.material3:material3:1.3.0+
  • androidx.wear.compose:compose-material:1.4.0+

These versions of Material libraries no longer use rememberRipple(); instead, they use the new ripple APIs. As a result, they do not query LocalRippleTheme. Therefore, if you set LocalRippleTheme in your application, Material components will not use these values.

The following section describes how to temporarily fall back to the old behavior without migrating; however, we recommend migrating to the new APIs. For migration instructions, see Migrate from rememberRipple to ripple and the subsequent sections.

Upgrade Material library version without migrating

To unblock upgrading library versions, you can use the temporary LocalUseFallbackRippleImplementation CompositionLocal API to configure Material components to fall back to the old behavior:

CompositionLocalProvider(LocalUseFallbackRippleImplementation provides true) {
    MaterialTheme {

Make sure to provide this outside the MaterialTheme so the old ripples can be provided through LocalIndication.

The following sections describe how to migrate to the new APIs.

Migrate from rememberRipple to ripple

Using a Material library

If you are using a Material library, directly replace rememberRipple() with a call to ripple() from the corresponding library. This API creates a ripple using values derived from the Material theme APIs. Then, pass the returned object to Modifier.clickable and/or other components.

For example, the following snippet uses the deprecated APIs:

        onClick = {},
        interactionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() },
        indication = rememberRipple()
) {
    // ...

You should modify the above snippet to:

private fun RippleExample() {
            onClick = {},
            interactionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() },
            indication = ripple()
    ) {
        // ...

Note that ripple() is no longer a composable function and does not need to be remembered. It can also be reused across multiple components, similar to modifiers, so consider extracting the ripple creation to a top-level value to save allocations.

Implementing custom design system

If you're implementing your own design system, and you were previously using rememberRipple() along with a custom RippleTheme to configure the ripple, you should instead provide your own ripple API that delegates to the ripple node APIs exposed in material-ripple. Then, your components can use your own ripple that consumes your theme values directly. For more information, see Migrate fromRippleTheme.

Migrate from RippleTheme

Temporarily opt out of behavior change

Material libraries have a temporary CompositionLocal, LocalUseFallbackRippleImplementation, which you can use to configure all Material components to fall back to using rememberRipple. This way, rememberRipple continues to query LocalRippleTheme.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to use the LocalUseFallbackRippleImplementation CompositionLocal API:

CompositionLocalProvider(LocalUseFallbackRippleImplementation provides true) {
    MaterialTheme {

If you're using a custom app theme that is built on top of Material, you can safely provide the composition local as part of your app’s theme:

fun MyAppTheme(content: @Composable () -> Unit) {
    CompositionLocalProvider(LocalUseFallbackRippleImplementation provides true) {
        MaterialTheme(content = content)

For more information, see the Upgrade Material library version without migrating section.

Using RippleTheme to disable a ripple for a given component

The material and material3 libraries expose RippleConfiguration and LocalRippleConfiguration, which allow you to configure the appearance of ripples within a subtree. Note that RippleConfiguration and LocalRippleConfiguration are experimental, and only intended for per-component customization. Global/theme-wide customization is not supported with these APIs; see Using RippleTheme to globally change all ripples in an application for more information on that use case.

For example, the following snippet uses the deprecated APIs:

private object DisabledRippleTheme : RippleTheme {

    override fun defaultColor(): Color = Color.Transparent

    override fun rippleAlpha(): RippleAlpha = RippleAlpha(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f)

// ...
    CompositionLocalProvider(LocalRippleTheme provides DisabledRippleTheme) {
        Button {
            // ...

You should modify the above snippet to:

CompositionLocalProvider(LocalRippleConfiguration provides null) {
    Button {
        // ...

Using RippleTheme to change the color/alpha of a ripple for a given component

As described in the previous section, RippleConfiguration and LocalRippleConfiguration are experimental APIs and are only intended for per-component customization.

For example, the following snippet uses the deprecated APIs:

private object DisabledRippleThemeColorAndAlpha : RippleTheme {

    override fun defaultColor(): Color = Color.Red

    override fun rippleAlpha(): RippleAlpha = MyRippleAlpha

// ...
    CompositionLocalProvider(LocalRippleTheme provides DisabledRippleThemeColorAndAlpha) {
        Button {
            // ...

You should modify the above snippet to:

private val MyRippleConfiguration =
    RippleConfiguration(color = Color.Red, rippleAlpha = MyRippleAlpha)

// ...
    CompositionLocalProvider(LocalRippleConfiguration provides MyRippleConfiguration) {
        Button {
            // ...

Using RippleTheme to globally change all ripples in an application

Previously, you could use LocalRippleTheme to define ripple behavior at a theme-wide level. This was essentially an integration point between custom design system composition locals and ripple. Instead of exposing a generic theming primitive, material-ripple now exposes a createRippleModifierNode() function. This function allows for design system libraries to create higher order wrapper implementation, that query their theme values and then delegate the ripple implementation to the node created by this function.

This allows for design systems to directly query what they need, and expose any required user-configurable theming layers on top without having to conform to what is provided at the material-ripple layer. This change also makes more explicit what theme/specification the ripple is conforming to, as it is the ripple API itself that defines that contract, rather than being implicitly derived from the theme.

For guidance, see the ripple API implementation in Material libraries, and replace the calls to Material composition locals as needed for your own design system.

Migrate from Indication to IndicationNodeFactory

Passing around Indication

If you are just creating an Indication to pass around, such as creating a ripple to pass to Modifier.clickable or Modifier.indication, you don't need to make any changes. IndicationNodeFactory inherits from Indication, so everything will continue to compile and work.

Creating Indication

If you are creating your own Indication implementation, the migration should be simple in most cases. For example, consider an Indication that applies a scale effect on press:

object ScaleIndication : Indication {
    override fun rememberUpdatedInstance(interactionSource: InteractionSource): IndicationInstance {
        // key the remember against interactionSource, so if it changes we create a new instance
        val instance = remember(interactionSource) { ScaleIndicationInstance() }

        LaunchedEffect(interactionSource) {
            interactionSource.interactions.collectLatest { interaction ->
                when (interaction) {
                    is PressInteraction.Press -> instance.animateToPressed(interaction.pressPosition)
                    is PressInteraction.Release -> instance.animateToResting()
                    is PressInteraction.Cancel -> instance.animateToResting()

        return instance

private class ScaleIndicationInstance : IndicationInstance {
    var currentPressPosition: Offset = Offset.Zero
    val animatedScalePercent = Animatable(1f)

    suspend fun animateToPressed(pressPosition: Offset) {
        currentPressPosition = pressPosition
        animatedScalePercent.animateTo(0.9f, spring())

    suspend fun animateToResting() {
        animatedScalePercent.animateTo(1f, spring())

    override fun ContentDrawScope.drawIndication() {
            scale = animatedScalePercent.value,
            pivot = currentPressPosition
        ) {
            [email protected]()

You can migrate this in two steps:

  1. Migrate ScaleIndicationInstance to be a DrawModifierNode. The API surface for DrawModifierNode is very similar to IndicationInstance: it exposes a ContentDrawScope#draw() function that is functionally equivalent to IndicationInstance#drawContent(). You need to change that function, and then implement the collectLatest logic inside the node directly, instead of the Indication.

    For example, the following snippet uses the deprecated APIs:

    private class ScaleIndicationInstance : IndicationInstance {
        var currentPressPosition: Offset = Offset.Zero
        val animatedScalePercent = Animatable(1f)
        suspend fun animateToPressed(pressPosition: Offset) {
            currentPressPosition = pressPosition
            animatedScalePercent.animateTo(0.9f, spring())
        suspend fun animateToResting() {
            animatedScalePercent.animateTo(1f, spring())
        override fun ContentDrawScope.drawIndication() {
                scale = animatedScalePercent.value,
                pivot = currentPressPosition
            ) {
                [email protected]()

    You should modify the above snippet to:

    private class ScaleIndicationNode(
        private val interactionSource: InteractionSource
    ) : Modifier.Node(), DrawModifierNode {
        var currentPressPosition: Offset = Offset.Zero
        val animatedScalePercent = Animatable(1f)
        private suspend fun animateToPressed(pressPosition: Offset) {
            currentPressPosition = pressPosition
            animatedScalePercent.animateTo(0.9f, spring())
        private suspend fun animateToResting() {
            animatedScalePercent.animateTo(1f, spring())
        override fun onAttach() {
            coroutineScope.launch {
                interactionSource.interactions.collectLatest { interaction ->
                    when (interaction) {
                        is PressInteraction.Press -> animateToPressed(interaction.pressPosition)
                        is PressInteraction.Release -> animateToResting()
                        is PressInteraction.Cancel -> animateToResting()
        override fun ContentDrawScope.draw() {
                scale = animatedScalePercent.value,
                pivot = currentPressPosition
            ) {
                [email protected]()

  2. Migrate ScaleIndication to implement IndicationNodeFactory. Because the collection logic is now moved into the node, this is a very simple factory object whose only responsibility is to create a node instance.

    For example, the following snippet uses the deprecated APIs:

    object ScaleIndication : Indication {
        override fun rememberUpdatedInstance(interactionSource: InteractionSource): IndicationInstance {
            // key the remember against interactionSource, so if it changes we create a new instance
            val instance = remember(interactionSource) { ScaleIndicationInstance() }
            LaunchedEffect(interactionSource) {
                interactionSource.interactions.collectLatest { interaction ->
                    when (interaction) {
                        is PressInteraction.Press -> instance.animateToPressed(interaction.pressPosition)
                        is PressInteraction.Release -> instance.animateToResting()
                        is PressInteraction.Cancel -> instance.animateToResting()
            return instance

    You should modify the above snippet to:

    object ScaleIndicationNodeFactory : IndicationNodeFactory {
        override fun create(interactionSource: InteractionSource): DelegatableNode {
            return ScaleIndicationNode(interactionSource)
        override fun hashCode(): Int = -1
        override fun equals(other: Any?) = other === this

Using Indication to create an IndicationInstance

In most cases, you should use Modifier.indication to display Indication for a component. However, in the rare case that you are manually creating an IndicationInstance using rememberUpdatedInstance, you need to update your implementation to check if the Indication is an IndicationNodeFactory so you can use a lighter implementation. For example, Modifier.indication will internally delegate to the created node if it is an IndicationNodeFactory. If not, it will use Modifier.composed to call rememberUpdatedInstance.