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VS Code上已达250万Java开发者!微软和红帽一起公布VS Code Java未来六个月路线图

VS Code上已拥有250万Java开发者 大家好,首先我们非常高兴地宣布 Visual Studio Code 现在拥有超过 250 万的 活跃Java 开发者。与过去的成就一样,这一里程碑离不开我们的社区和用户一直以来的支持,因此我们要向大家致以衷心的感谢! 微软和红帽共同分享 Visual ...

2.5 million Java developers on Visual Studio Code! Roadmap for the next 6 months

A big big thank you to the community! Hi everyone, we are thrilled to share that Visual Studio Code now has a community of over 2.5 million Java developers. Much like our achievements in the past, this incredible milestone wouldn't have been possible without the support from our amazing community and users, and for that, we want to extend ...

Build your next application on Dataverse - now with hyperscale support for any enterprise data

Dataverse, Microsoft’s modern and scalable business application platform in the cloud, enables developers to build enterprise-grade applications at hyperscale. Today, Dataverse encompasses over 3.5 million Azure SQL databases and leverages Azure SQL Hyperscale to support up to 100 TB per individual database--with rapid scale up, rapid scale ...

Scroll to expand document tabs

When you have lots of tabs open in Visual Studio, your horizontal screen resolution determines how many fit in the document tab well. The remaining document tabs are hidden unless you configure Visual Studio to display tabs in multiple rows. Alternatively, you could switch your tab layout to vertical tabs instead of the default horizontal ...