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Sustainable security in a work-from-home world
May 15, 2020

In the rush to shift employees to home offices to comply with public health requirements, many companies were forced to relax their own security...

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TOPICS: VDI, Virtualization, Webinar, Virtual Desktops, tehama, COVID-19, coronavirus, quarantine, Remote Working, cleverDome, YOUNGTECH

The disruptive road to mass telework
March 24, 2020

With my home city in a state of emergency and Teradici corporate staff home-lifted at a single days’ notice, I’m adjusting to a new normality, as we...

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TOPICS: PCoIP, NVIDIA, Cloud Access Software, Cloud Endpoints, PCoIP Technology, PCoIP Ultra, Ian Main, COVID-19, coronavirus, quarantine, Remote Working, Work-from-Home Rapid Response Guide

Remote Work: Three companies that made the switch
March 23, 2020

As a follow up to our recent articles on remote work, we thought it would be helpful to share examples of how customers made it possible using ...

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TOPICS: Cloud Desktops, Cloud Access Software, Remote Desktop, Cloud Access, business continuity, COVID-19, quarantine, Remote Working

Remote Work - Making a Case Study of Ourselves
March 18, 2020

Last week, we published an overview of things an IT team may want to consider if you, like many organizations worldwide right now, are sending your...

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TOPICS: Remote Workstation, AWS, Cloud Endpoints, Microsoft Azure, All Access, Cloud Access, Cloud Access Plus, Google Cloud Platform, Customer Story, business continuity, COVID-19, coronavirus, quarantine

COVID-19: Prepare For Remote Work
March 10, 2020

If you don’t have a business continuity plan, now’s the time to build it; If you do, now’s the time to test it. With the spread of the new...

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TOPICS: VDI, Virtualization, Cloud Desktops, Remote worksation, Cloud Access Software, Cloud Access, Virtual Desktops, business continuity, COVID-19, coronavirus, quarantine