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An open letter to Teradici customers, partners, and our community
April 3, 2020

How much the world has changed in a few weeks. Like many of you, we have shifted to working from home, and want to acknowledge the efforts of...

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TOPICS: Careers, Scanline, David Smith, Disaster Recovery, DNEG, Customer Story, COVID-19, coronavirus, Remote Working, community, BCCDC, Brown Bag Films, Atomic Cartoons, Crafty Apes

Remote Work - Making a Case Study of Ourselves
March 18, 2020

Last week, we published an overview of things an IT team may want to consider if you, like many organizations worldwide right now, are sending your...

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TOPICS: Remote Workstation, AWS, Cloud Endpoints, Microsoft Azure, All Access, Cloud Access, Cloud Access Plus, Google Cloud Platform, Customer Story, business continuity, COVID-19, coronavirus, quarantine