berenice is a theme by codematurgy with features and options such as:

  • synchronize with your tumblr colors or use custom ones
  • blog portrait or custom sidebar image
  • accent color or background for bordered elements 
  • 3 background intensity settings for bordered elements
  • fully saturated colors for borders or completely white ones for bordered elements
  • 3 font sizes
  • 2 margin sizes
  • 3 sidebar sizes
  • hide or show searchbar
  • light or dark section backgrounds
  • 5 post sizes(440, 500, 540, 600, 640)

credits go to:

full NPF support! the code for everything else is quite messy though, you might get sick looking through it. use of custom colors is now allowed at the code through a switch instead of sepparating codes, since the use comparision seemed inconclusive. inspired by the comic logo from the Norman f***ing Rockwell album art.

you can see a preview of the theme here, while you can grab the code on Pastebin.

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