Anonymous asked

How are you doing?

this was unexpected. hey, thanks for asking! that’s sweet :)

i actually intended to post something here these days! what a timing, huh? while i still maintain the npf photosets plugin(someone warned me that the implementation of alt text buttons broke it through github! thanks to this person! it’s fixed too), i haven’t really posted anything because i’ve just had other things in my mind.

it’s going to become even less likely i update this blog with new layouts, but for a good reason: i recently got a remote job as a front-end developer!!! i wanted to mention this here because, even though this blog was not the main reason i got hired, coding on tumblr was what made me interested in front-end development to begin with; i’ve done shitty code and, honestly, still have some up there. from what i’ve learned the past year, i’m quite embarrassed with the code for the npf photosets plugin, though it does work, so there it is(i am totally open to someone willing to rewrite it with better code, by the way. long live open source code and community maintenance!); however, the journey here is what enabled me to get better, so i’m pretty proud of it. thanks, people of tumblr!

i was also busy with, er, leftist activism? not as much as i think i should, but mostly because the pandemic has been tough in my household. i don’t know how everyone else feels about this, but the pandemic is not over for me; i don’t have the choice of going maskless and resuming life as it was unless i actively wish to kill someone by giving them covid. sounds dramatic, but there it is. hopefully one day it will feel safe enough, though the job certainly drains me enough that i don’t know if i will have the energy. capitalism problems, am i right?

i guess that’s what is most relevant. i am very lucky to feel like i have a life perspective at 22, even if there’s a bunch of heavy stuff to deal with. it’s nice to communicate all of this here; hope it means something to someone who likes coding or is having a hard time with the pandemic as i am. hopefully, one day i will release any of my coding ideas that have been sitting idly in my computer for a year or maybe two. i have like 5 different new ideas/reworks just… there. despite not having the time to mess around with them, i’m surprised to find that i’m not actually tired of tumblr theme-making, and would like touching it again. i’m just slightly conflicted because(this is going to be nerdy) i love messing with javascript and would like to make a theme that pulls all blog information and posts through the API, but i do like supporting users with no javascript enabled, despite it being messier to display… whew!

have a good day, stranger! hope you’re doing alright too!

Anonymous asked

hello. in your Temporal theme, if a reply to an ask has an image attached to it, when that image is opened in a lightbox its width and height (specifically the class="lightbox-image") are set to 1px for some reason! but if i remove this line singularLightbox(blogPosts), then the lightbox on replies works fine, but obv then i'm unable to open the lightbox in posts with singular images. every other lightbox seems to work fine. do you know if there's a way to fix this? love the theme btw!!! <3

Thank you for bringing this into my attention! I tried recreating the 1px problem but it what happened is that the image wasn’t there period, though the fix I’m going for probably should work either way. I’m not an app user and was always mystified by these ask posts with images in the question, never thought I’d run into that problem. I’ll try to tackle it this weekend, should be easy enough - I’ll likely do a check on the lightbox script itself so no one has to touch multiple things to get it right, but either way, if you only add CSS through the custom CSS box, it will update automatically, therefore, worry not! And also, thanks for the love!!

Just fixed this! It was actually a lot easier than I thought, it’s just a line change - if you’re using a customized version and can’t get the update, search for “figure:not(.tmblr-panorama) img”(there should be stuff before and after it, but don’t mind) and simply change it to “figure:not(.tmblr-panorama) > img”.

On a side note, I found out the same implementation that caused this conflict also broke the photoset script, and have updated it as well. Enjoy!

Anonymous asked

hello. in your Temporal theme, if a reply to an ask has an image attached to it, when that image is opened in a lightbox its width and height (specifically the class="lightbox-image") are set to 1px for some reason! but if i remove this line singularLightbox(blogPosts), then the lightbox on replies works fine, but obv then i'm unable to open the lightbox in posts with singular images. every other lightbox seems to work fine. do you know if there's a way to fix this? love the theme btw!!! <3

Thank you for bringing this into my attention! I tried recreating the 1px problem but it what happened is that the image wasn’t there period, though the fix I’m going for probably should work either way. I’m not an app user and was always mystified by these ask posts with images in the question, never thought I’d run into that problem. I’ll try to tackle it this weekend, should be easy enough - I’ll likely do a check on the lightbox script itself so no one has to touch multiple things to get it right, but either way, if you only add CSS through the custom CSS box, it will update automatically, therefore, worry not! And also, thanks for the love!!

Tumblr is changing its posts’ format to NPF, or Neue Post Format, and now we are able to create(only through mobile as of 06/11/2018) photoset rows inside text posts and captions. These photosets come with their own divs and lightboxes, but are not styled by default like photosets posted through a proper photo post. To support this new feature, I’ve created a pure Javascript plugin which wraps all rows of images(be it images side by side or single ones) that are close to each other and styles them. This plugin supports IE10 and above.

Given the correct structure, npfPhotosets() can also be used to Legacy format photosets. Full documentation and use case can be accessed through GitHub as well through the plugin’s repository.

What does npfPhotosets() do?

npfPhotosets() will search all possible candidates to compose a photoset; then, it will filter those that are rows with more than one image or are a single image but close to another row. These filtered elements will have a div created to wrap them, so they can be easily styled through CSS as well as their wrapper.

The images and rows inside these created divs will be styled mimicking Tumblr’s default photoset: there will be different image widths for rows with more than one image; rows will have their heights assigned according to the image with the shortest height in the row; and margins will be equal between all images inside the photoset.

This plugin also includes styling to guarantee you can set borders around each photoset image container in your CSS, though currently you won’t be as fortunate setting padding values.

How to use this plugin

Simply insert the following before the end of your <body> tag:

<script src=""></script><link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script> npfPhotosets("postSelector", {   includeCommonPhotosets: true,   photosetMargins:"" }); </script>

As you can see, the fuction is already hosted externally. If you’d like to call the function again for newly inserted posts, for example, you can define an object variable containing all options and just reuse its name when calling the function, instead of copy-pasting your options, like so:

<script src=""></script><link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script> var npfOptions = {   includeCommonPhotosets: true,   photosetMargins:"" }
npfPhotosets("postSelector", npfOptions); </script>

Then you’d just be calling npfPhotosets("postSelector", npfOptions); whenever you need to.

In case your theme isn’t styled for NPF and you’d rather not turn on “Use new post types”, this plugin will still work because the essential markup needed exists regardless, and there are features in this code to guarantee the correct markup is selected.

Plugin options

  1. "postSelector" is where the selector used for your posts goes, between quotes as suggested. It can be a mere HTML selector(like “article”), a class(“.posts”), or even an array-like list.
  2. includeCommonPhotosets  should have either a true or false value. If true, this will allow photosets made with the Legacy post format to be styled through this plugin. For this to work correctly, you must make sure your photosets share the same class names used for NPF photosets’ elements, as well as adding to the photoset container the data-layout attribute with the {PhotosetLayout} value.
  3. photosetMargins is where the value of the margins between photos inside the photosets should be inserted. The value is measured in pixels. If you want it to have no margins, insert a 0; in case you leave it empty(like two quotation marks with nothing in-between “”), it will automatically use an adaptable percentage based value for the margins. You should always keep the quotation marks, even in the no margins case.

And much more available at the plugin’s repository, such as gallery indicators, ways to turn off automatic lightbox generation and instructions on using it with Legacy photosets.


[20/11/2018] Fixed issue when running the script again on new page load; thanks to @kushgirl-420 for pointing it out.

[30/12/2018] Fixed issue when there were no previous siblings to the photoset elements, leading to no photoset formation.

[07/01/2019] Version 1.1.0; fixed a few bugs and also included the includeSingleRowImagesInPhotosets option.

[26/05/2019] Version 2.0.0; fixed several bugs regarding infinite scroll use and now requires a post selector, ideal for running the script on newly inserted elements. codes moved to GitHub.

[25/09/2019] Version 2.2.0; fixed another batch of potential infinite scroll problems, as well as became usable to Legacy photosets and can implement Tumblr’s built-in lightbox. the includeSingleRowImagesInPhotosets option has been removed and now happens by default.

[17/02/2021] Version 2.2.7; fixed bugs and now it has way less mandatory options, hopefully making it easier to use! I didn’t mention it previously but it uses CSS flexbox now, so no IE9 support anymore.

This plugin will likely be updated in case new options arise or Tumblr’s generated structure changes.

Please report any issues using this plugin! Considering it’s my first plugin ever and in Javascript(a language I’m still a newbie in for relying too much on JQuery), feedback is appreciated.

It seems like I really went missing in action - life is quite the show. Either way, I have just found out that a new Tumblr update on NPF photosets has broken my script by adding extra wrappers for each column. Can’t say I will fix it as soon as possible but I do wanna fix it - it kind of means a lot to me that my codes remain functional through the tests of time. I do have to say I’m only touching it next week at the very least. Hopefully I will also answer the questions on my askbox, even if those people have probably given up on an answer…

On a positive note, Tumblr added a localized string for submitted posts some time ago!!!! And they updated the web mobile post editor(yes I refuse to use apps if there is a web version)!! So here’s to the good stuff :D

I was going for the harder way but ended up just… removing the extra wrappers. The plugin has been updated and it is fine now!

It seems like I really went missing in action - life is quite the show. Either way, I have just found out that a new Tumblr update on NPF photosets has broken my script by adding extra wrappers for each column. Can’t say I will fix it as soon as possible but I do wanna fix it - it kind of means a lot to me that my codes remain functional through the tests of time. I do have to say I’m only touching it next week at the very least. Hopefully I will also answer the questions on my askbox, even if those people have probably given up on an answer…

On a positive note, Tumblr added a localized string for submitted posts some time ago!!!! And they updated the web mobile post editor(yes I refuse to use apps if there is a web version)!! So here’s to the good stuff :D

Anonymous asked

hello!! I’m using your agora page, and I have a coupe of questions. I’m trying to use the image for the header, and I already read that you have to add use_header_image in order to use it, but I’m doing something wrong. the other question I have is how do you make the article_section display next to each other like in the preview page? thank you, have a nice day!!

The article_section having boxes one beside another should be automatic, and I really have no idea of what could be happening with the header. If you don’t feel like showing me your work or breaking your privacy, maybe you could give me a generic version of it? If you post more or less how you’re doing it on Pastebin but without whatever you’d be uncomfortable with and send me the link, I can check it out and post about it.

Since you’re telling me the boxes are side by side in my version, I’m assuming you checked the preview and it’s working, so it isn’t a browser thing(I even opened Microsoft Edge to check it and it seems fine)!

Anonymous asked

dropping by to say that your temporal blog theme is awesomeeeee! i love it so much! thank you for sharing :-)

Thank you SO much for this message!! I’m very proud of it and I’m glad to share and see people feel good about it as well, it’s all I could ask for. Have a good time!

Anonymous asked

Hello again! I meant it more like dropdowns inside one of the boxes. Maybe it’s just how I use the boxes, but I think it could be useful? You’re the one who knows better tbh

Pardon the tremendous delay - I see you’ve sent me another message on  this because of it, and I’m sorry I made it seem like it didn’t arrive - 2020 has been a year, period, and I just couldn’t reach this and reply. I don’t have anything to show to you on this, but I do intend to re-do my tags page(I did very, very little a long time ago) because honestly, it can always get better! I can’t make you any promises of managing this or even that this new version will be dropping soon; things are still hard, really. But I just wanted you to know that I did read this!

Anonymous asked

hey! drop down tags anon here. drop down tags are kind of subcategories, like one tag can contain others inside. I feel that´s a very good explanation... um, enchantedthemes´s tag pages have drop down tags for example. i think they even have a tutorial. maybe check that out? its easier to show than to explain, sorry

sorry, i think i’m the one who should have explained better - i do understand the concept of dropdown tags, but i actually wanted to know this: you’re thinking of having several dropdowns inside one of the boxes, or would you rather if the boxes were actually dropdowns?

i ask this because the boxes are already supposed to be subcategories of sorts - with the larger boxes in which they’re contained being the main category - so including dropdowns inside them might be weird(both in theory and in practice, as those boxes aren’t quite large and might end up clogged).