Yet Another Site I Will Rarely If Ever Use

But Then Again, I Said That About Twitter. Yeah.

  • 15th June
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So my sister wants to start sewing more, because

a. She’s 5′ 11″ and can never find pants long enough for her legs or shirts long enough for her arms.

b. She hates synthetic fibers as much as I do and it’s difficult to find natural fiber clothes that aren’t made of cotton

c. She’s a biologist and would physically fistfight microplastics if given half a chance

So her gift from mom and dad for her birthday was a sewing machine. Not a super expensive one but a good solid serviceable one.

And recently she asked “So where do I GET wool or linen and thread that isn’t polyester” and mom was like ‘go ask your sister’

And I, of course, crashed into the group text like “GET A PEN I HAVE WEBSITES FOR U” and honestly I’m thrilled about this

“Where did u get all this”

“Bets, u know I’m a 15th degree blackbelt of buying shit on the internet”

“oh yeah tru”

Op can may we inquire about the website list


cotton and Silk thread;

Linen thread and wool fabric; (they’ve got wool stuffs and worsted wool fabric for $15 a yard! I just got three yards of navy worsted wool I’m making a constellation winter skirt from)

More linen thread and wool; (just ordered wool broadcloth to make a coat)

Silk fabric (THE best place to get silk lining fabrics and raw silk fabric):

A varying assortment of wool and silk and cotton and even some leather, use coupon code  spring2020 for 50% off your full order, worked yesterday when I bought some stuff there;

Wool. You want wool coating for under $20 a yard? Sure you do. It’s here. Not a huge variety of colors, most are black or brown, but hey

I don’t know a lot about sewing, but I want to make or have my mom make some linen pants & shirts for when I’m watering, because it gets to 105 here and we have mosquitos so I need to be covered. What type of linen do I buy? Also, linen pajama shorts, yes/no?

(I’ve been wearing my renfaire pants which are a linen mix, I think. But the frikking mosquitos that hide in the tomatoes get my arms)

Medium weight is what I’d go with.

And linen pajama shorts is a HARD yes.

Renaissance Fabrics is good for all sorts of things

Mood doesn’t specialize in natural fabrics but they do have basically every fabric ever made so

For wools, I cannot recommend Woolsome enough! They’re a bit more expensive then the above links, but they have a spectacular range of colours and weights, as well as diamond pattern and herringbone weaves. They also have a range of linens, though not as extensive. has sheer voile linen

The Linen Lab has a variety of weaves, weights, and colors available

Period Fabric has a variety of wools, but switch to the full website if you’re on mobile

(via linguini17)

  • 15th June
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  • 15th June
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Above image is a pride flag with every color band represented by a NASA image. White is Earth clouds, pink is aurora, blue is the Sun in a specific wavelength, brown is Jupiter clouds, black is the Hubble deep field, red is the top of sprites, orange is a Mars crater, yellow is the surface of Io, green is a lake with algae, blue is Neptune, and purple is the Crab Nebula in a specific wavelength.

(via churchofpoetry)

  • 14th June
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  • 14th June
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Teaching children thinking bad thoughts about someone is the same thing as murdering that person is fucked up

Thought crime doesn’t exist. No one has ever been harmed or killed by someone thinking negative thoughts about them. 

You know what has harmed people though? Teaching them they are evil for things they can’t control. Especially those who have intrusive thoughts. 

Here’s for everyone who has been taught their thoughts make them evil.

  • Intrusive thoughts are not your secret desires. 
  • They are involuntary. 
  • You don’t need to be ashamed of them. 
  • They will pass.
  • You are not committing taboo. 
  • No one can read your mind.
  • No one will ever know what’s in your thoughts unless you feel like telling them.
  • No one can judge you for what you are thinking, whether voluntarily or involuntarily.
  • Your thoughts are private
  • You are not a bad person.

(via constance-mcentee)

  • 14th June
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It’s real fucked up how many queer people dread Pride season due to both systemic queerphobia and queer infighting. Pride season always rockets up my anxiety, and I know I’m not the only one.

This shit sucks, y'all. We gotta support each other more than the queerphobes hate us. I’m not saying we have to love each other, I’m not saying we even have to like each other, but we cannot keep subdividing communities, circulating callouts, and dogpiling each other over who has it worse. That shit will kill us all.

We cannot keep thinking of our individual experiences with bigotry as, “I know [xyz kind of queer] has it worse, but…”, and we cannot keep looking at other experiences with bigotry as, “that’s bad, but [abc kind of queer] still has it worse,” when the reality is that we are all being targeted. It’s all bad! It all deserves to be talked about and fought against without trying to put it in some kind of hierarchy! Hierarchies are not fucking helpful here!

Some fucking unity, please.

(via constance-mcentee)

  • 14th June
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I sometimes think about all the feedist online spaces and it reminds me of what I’ve read about gay/queer spaces from 50-70-100 years ago. The semi-secrecy, the internalized shame. The need to justify their desires (“gaining weight can be healthy, too!” almost reads like “gay people don’t have to be promiscuous!”). It feels like this kink is on the forefront of underground and shame.

And the fact is, I’m so tired of shame. As long as everything is consensual irl, I shouldn’t be ashamed of my own choices. I feel like having fought a battle over my queerness, I am now fighting a battle over my kink - which is tied to my queerness, anyway.

Are there unhealthy ways to engage in this kink? Sure, just as you can be gay and in a toxic relationship. But is this kink inherently unhealthy?


I will die on that hill.

(via weirdw00d)

  • 14th June
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Honestly, I didn’t know the level of body euphoria I sometimes experience nowadays was possible. I would sometimes just sit there and notice all the rolls and flesh folding in on itself, and I’d go “hehehe fat fat fat” and be just so *happy*. Never realized that gaining weight would give me as much euphoric feelings as starting T. It’s like a potent drug. It’s incredible. As a trans person who, for the most part of my life, was convinced that the experience of having a body meant “trying to forget that you have a body”, it’s unbelievably beautiful that I can now literally *revel* in it. This body is just so intuitively mine.

(via weirdw00d)

  • 14th June
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i think the major issue is that at least in the case of fat people (i would imagine some other marginalized people too, but don’t care to speak past my own experience here) is that the conversation re: chubby chasers has resolved around this mystical spectre of The Fetishist, whose attraction to fat people is bad because it’s Fetishistic (in a way that exclusive attraction to thin bodies, by virtue of being culturally normative, is not) and it Fetishizes their partners and creates toxic Fetish Content. it’s essentially the discussion of a real problem (the sexual exploitation & abuse of fat people) utilizing only the language of reactionary constructions re: “porn addiction” and non-normative attraction. i don’t really give a shit if a guy has only ever dated 300 LB+ women, but what i DO care about is what those women say about him and how he treated them, if he was public about their relationships, if he listened when they said “no,” etc. honest-to-god shitty chubby chasers aren’t bad because of this nebulous idea of Fetishism so much as the violence with which they treat fat people, the harassment they put unconsenting fat people through, the frequent abuse of their sexual partners, and definingly the way in which they exploit cultural fatphobia & the desexualization of fat people to get away with it over and over and over again. and the irony of it is that the more we panic about Fat Fetishists without centering the conversation on power and violence, and the more we by-extension reinforce attraction to fat bodies as an abnormal and abhorrent trait, the deeper this hole is dug – because it’s that very abnormality which pushes fat partners into the shadows and which casts constant doubt over our voices as survivors of sexual violence. it’s goofy

(via weirdw00d)

  • 14th June
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the problem with asking “is kink always sexual?” is not everyone is operating from the same definition of “sexual.”

And “kink” too! I once read a scholarly article that touched on the subject of nailing down what kink means to people and the symbolism vs literalism of power dynamics etc, and the authors were basically like ‘okay, look, in all the research this field has done over the years, we need to just accept that kinksters don’t have any semblance of a consensus about what kink means, if they can even express what it means to them in the first place, I don’t know why we keep bothering to do studies asking kinksters what kink means to them.’

There isn’t a way to answer “is kink always sexual?” because there are no objective meanings or “true” realities for either term, even past the notion that the individual experience of kink and sexuality is different for every single person and beyond recognizing that there are multiple acceptable definitions for both. It’s hard for Western culture in general to accept, but both kink and sexuality are concepts, experiences, and identities that at their hearts will always be nebulous and shifting and will always defy definition. It’s a flawed and futile line of inquiry from the start

(via weirdw00d)

  • 14th June
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(seeing mutuals get hit with the fat fetish anon accusations) ah! its only a matter of time before they get to me again. i think the accusers are the weird ones

to make things clear like yeah i dont think im good at hiding it i have a fat fetish but like here are the Important Notes

  • Its Normal To Have A Fetish. It is Not Unhealthy.
  • Its not cool to treat fetishes (in general) as a bad thing. Doing so just makes you an asshole.
  • Having a fetish does NOT mean you mistreat/belittle people of certain body types/expressions/only see people as a kink
  • People with a fetish can still appreciate things without it intending to appeal to their fetish
  • Liking fat people, drawing them in certain ways, having a preference, even really just idolizing/fantasizing about them doesn’t mean that they are a kink. People can have “types” without sexual desire.
  • If art of fat people makes you uneasy, block the artist. Nobody needs to hear your negativity.
  • In addendum to the last point: No matter personal circumstances it would be in your own best interest to improve your disposition towards that kind of art. Regardless of an art pieces intent its not healthy to obsessively hate or insert personal issues on other people.

i do kinda find it wild that people can be outwardly horny towards a lot of things (especially buff or skinny body types) but the very moment! you say “yeah fat people are hot” some hate-burdened freak makes it a personal problem.

and like i hate to break it to some people but the lgbt community is also literally founded upon having “strange (but harmless) attractions”. dooont fucking single out people for having strange and harmless attractions

(via weirdw00d)

  • 14th June
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anyone else think it is fucked up that ppl who accumulate health problems from gaining believe they no longer are a part of this community….. like the ‘oh you’re not gaining anymore? You’re worthless to me’ sentiment has to fucking go.

I understand taking breaks, of course and always, but you still belong here. You deserve to be here as much as that other gainer who is 500+ and eating four large pizzas for a snack or whatever.

(via bigbellyghoul)

  • 14th June
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BNO News @BNOFeed H5N1 bird flu found at 10 more dairy farms, including 8 in Idaho and one each in Michigan and South Dakota. This is the biggest one-day increase so far.  Pictured is a map with 9 highlighted states: Idaho, South Dakota, Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas, Texas, Michigan, Ohio and North Carolina.ALT

i feel like i’m watching a car crash in slow motion

this strain of H5N1 is highly deadly to cats. please keep your cats indoors this summer.

since i made this post three days ago, the map is already out of date. Minnesota has been added to the list of H5N1-impacted dairy herds.


(via churchofpoetry)

  • 14th June
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  • 14th June
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