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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Excerpt from this New York Times story:

During a few weeks each year or so, an international team of scientists spends long days at sea searching for the most endangered marine mammal on Earth: the vaquita porpoise. The species is teetering on the edge of extinction, with recent surveys estimating around 10 individuals in the area where they’ve been considered most likely to live.

Results from this year’s survey, issued on Tuesday, were disappointing: Researchers estimate they saw six to eight individual vaquitas there, the lowest result ever recorded.

Still, the scientific team and the Mexican government cautioned that the population had not necessarily declined, emphasizing that more vaquitas may exist outside the search area. Since at least 2019, the visual surveys have focused on one zone where acoustic monitoring and other research has suggested the remaining animals congregate.

“It’s worrisome,” said Barbara Taylor, a longtime vaquita researcher who led the survey. “We just need to go out and find out whether the vaquitas have moved someplace else and adapt the management accordingly.”

The world’s smallest porpoise, vaquitas have rounded faces with panda-like markings around their eyes and lips that seem to pull up into a Mona Lisa smile. Their name in Spanish, vaquita marina, means little sea cow.

The individuals observed during the survey appeared in good health. One group of four included a yearling.

Vaquitas live only in the Gulf of California, the body of water that separates Baja California from the Mexican mainland. Their numbers have been decimated by gill nets, a type of fishing gear that uses huge, drifting nets to trap shrimp and fish. Vaquitas (and other marine mammals and sea turtles) can get entangled in the nets and drown.

Illegal targeting of a fish called the totoaba, itself endangered, has pushed vaquitas to the brink. The totoaba’s swim bladder sells for high prices in East Asia, attracting organized crime and fueling violent confrontations. Gill nets for totoaba are especially lethal to vaquitas.


I know people don't really want to talk about this because queer people already have to deal with conservative fearmongering but unfortunately queer spaces, irl and online, are full of people who will say "no one will spend time with me/these people have been so mean to me because of the bigotry" and then you spend time with them and they're the worst person you've ever met in your life. You do actually have to be discerning and think critically about what you hear and not just assume everyone is telling the truth because of their identity.


"What if my friends secretly hate me?"

What if they pray for you before bed? What if they hear a song come on and it makes them immediately think of you? What if when times are hard for them, they close their eyes and think of the memories they've shared with you? What if they study your face closely to see how you're feeling? What if they listen to your stories? What if they smile when you text them first? What if


One of the qualities of rich guys is that they are always in the process of being scammed or have just been scammed, and if you talk to enough of them you will realize this truth. They will talk about a possession or a project and gradually you will realize they don't know anything, that they are describing the world like a very spoiled child who just saw a commercial for the world's most expensive toy. You may be tempted to think in these moments that probably there is some quality or element of whatever the rich guy is describing with such enthusiasm, because you do not understand how someone is unable to detect that they are talking about fifty cents of colored plastic held together with glue which physically cannot do any of what they believe. But no, there is no deeper quality, they are exactly this gullible, the emperor's new clothes may be allegorical but it is also the literal truth - all rich guys everywhere have a cybertruck in their life, draining away money to another rich guy, both equally convinced they have made brilliant decisions with regard to spending.


It's sad at the end of May seeing people reblog the "here it comes!" Pride logos post. You didn't notice that brands have decided it is no longer safe to openly support LGBT rights. The past 2 years have shown a dramatic decline in corporate sponsorship of Pride. And no, we don't care about the corporations, but you should care that they think the general public will oppose their support of LGBT rights. Anyway pay attention. The logos didn't change for Pride. It's bad.


Progress oscillates back and forth before it gains even one inch of long term improvement - which is still always on the chopping block somewhere - and we're in a pretty obvious backswing ever since Trump, on basically all issues of human dignity and acceptance.


In the spirit of fairness, here are the flags from the pro-israel side that, should you see them, should immediately clock you in to the fact that their bearers are racist raving lunatics:


From the top left, moving clockwise-Kach Political Party Flag and Kahanist. Extreme Far Right. Wants a Jewish theocratic state that's only for Jews.

Next is the Lehi Flag-a militant group that hated Britain for the restrictions on Jewish people coming back to the area called Mandatory Palestine. They tried allying to the fucking Nazis because they believed Britain was the far bigger threat. Then they decided that the USSR had the right of it politically. Also murdered several British and Folke Bernadotte, who was a diplomat that had done many things-of which was saving 20,000 or more from German concentration camps. They saw him as a pawn for the British and murdered him. (this one it seems it would depend because the group at points were far right and far left-all extreme and willing to kill) Violently anti Arab.

Irgun Zvai Leumi Flag-Another violent anti Arab terror group and one that crossed paths with the terror group of the above. Also viciously anti British and murdered hostages. Did a massacre of Arab villagers and blew up part of the King David Hotel, killing British, Arab and Jewish civilians and soldiers (not clear on who was what regarding soldier and civilian). Precursor to the Herut Party, which would later merge into the Likud Party. (Extreme Far Right)

Lehava-group associated with Kahanists, Kahanism 2.0. Opposes Jews mixing with non Jews, attacks Arabs, churches, anti gay, etc. Extreme Far Right. Not considered a terror group at this time, but there are absolutely people in Israel pushing for them to be considered as such.

If I missed something, let me know as my knowledge on this is limited and I tried searching for as much as possible without using Wiki because of issues with people fucking around on articles there.


(The prior post being referenced is here.)

Anyway, I haven't seen these be widespread here thank goodness, but if you do see them being used earnestly: avoid block report
