Always on some monster/giant bullshit




my heart absolutely breaks for gaza. imagine screaming for help. for someone to save you and the world ignores you for the most part. shame on anyone and everyone who supports this. where is your empathy.





Hello G/t Community,

Thank you so much for spreading and bringing awareness to this event! We currently have a little over 20 Volunteers who have offered to help out so far!

If you would like to sign up as a creator for the G/t Gotcha for Gaza event you have 3 days left to do so! Please be sure to sign up if you have the ability to do so.

For additonal information about the event please check out our Carrd!


There will come a day when the masses will become so insensitive that they wouldn’t even care about the people who are being murdered everyday in a genocide. There will be children, new born babies, parents of whom will be handed their child’s death certificate even before they receive the birth certificate. People who would have lost all the empathy and their voice and courage of saying anything against the wrongdoings and the powerful. They would choose to stay quiet, live their happy life, as if nothing had happened, losing their humanity to the ground with utter ignorance. That day is almost here.


It has been hard for me to talk about how what is going on with Israel and Palestine is affecting me personally, but I grew up in Gaza and most of my family still lives there. My father did not survive the bombings last week and I have not been able to contact my younger sister in days. I am try to being understanding that most people do not have personal connections to what is happening and therefore are justifying their silence, but is heartbreaking to see this misinformation being spread. What’s happening there is a genocide, not a war. It is not antisemitic to support Palestine, it’s not even antiemetic to criticise Israel. There is no grey area or neutrality regarding this, and it is so easy to find resources that will educate you on the subject. It is my people and my home being destroyed so I will never be silent about this, but I please urge everyone to get informed and start speaking up and finding ways they can help.

decolonizepalestine has tons of information on Palestine’s history/propaganda that has been spread throughout the years

UK citizens can email their MP asking for a ceasefire

US citizens can call/email their local government officials asking for a ceasefire

Jewish Voice for Peace also has many resources for ways for US citizens to get involved, including protests

Donate to Palestine Children’s Relief Fund

Donate to Medical Aid for Palestine

Donate to help get food and hygiene kits to Gaza


How can you talk about anything else today. She was six. Millions heard her cries begging to be saved. We heard her older cousin be slaughtered, heard the baby pull the phone from her cousin’s dead hands, heard her cry and beg to be saved, to be allowed to live, to be pardoned for a crime no one in that fucking car committed. The occupation knew she was there, knew she was the only one alive in that pile of bodies, and they killed her anyway. They knew, they knew, they knew. They allowed paramedics to approach her, and then bombed them just mere meters away from her, then killed her. The occupation allowed them to believe she could be saved and then killed all of them moments away from her rescue. She was in a car fleeing the evacuation zone along the correct route as instructed. The ambulance waited three hours, three hours of her being trapped between the rotting bodies of her dead family, for the occupation’s permission to save her, and when they gave it, the occupation killed them anyway. What else is there to say. How can you quantify that level of cruelty. How many more worse things have happened that we don’t have a recording of? How much evil has the zionist occupation regime been allowed to get away with in the interest of western imperialism? How many six year old girls who love bratz, who have a bluey plush, who want to grow up to be doctors or ballerinas or astronauts, have been sniped from this earth? Their bodies desecrated, left to bloat and be eaten by animals and have their graves bulldozed and their organs taken? At least ten fucking thousand. At least.


USA government is like “We are giving more bombs to the government that is blowing up mass numbers of civilians with bombs. But worry not, we said ‘Please don’t use these bombs to blow up civilians.’ so we are trying to stop the civilian deaths.”

I think what is happening here is they are trying to be so brazen about killing so many innocent people that people who witness won’t be able to believe it, and will automatically assume there is some kind of complexity to the situation they don’t understand.

It almost works—it’s so cruel and evil that it barely makes sense. It is so obvious that what is happening to the Palestinian people is wrong, there must be something I am missing, if there is arguing about it, right?

But no. Mass murder of innocent civilians is straightforwardly evil and the USA government has just been assuming we (usamericans) will all stay ignorant about the suffering of Palestinians and somehow be too stupid and racist to understand that blowing up thousands of children is bad.

CEASEFIRE NOW! History is watching!


