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Archive for the ‘Events’ Category

Supporting New Elements in IE

Wednesday, January 7th, 2009

Internet Explorer poses a small challenge when it comes to making use of the new elements introduced in HTML5. Among others, these include elements like section, article, header and footer. The problem is that due to the way parsing works in IE, these elements are not recognised properly and result in an anomalous DOM representation.

To illustrate, consider this simple document fragment:

    <p>This is an example</p>

Strangely, IE 6, 7 and 8 all fail to parse the section element properly and the resulting DOM looks like this.

Notice how IE actually creates 2 empty elements. One named SECTION and the other named /SECTION. Yes, it really is parsing the end tag as a start tag for an unknown empty element.

There is a handy workaround available to address this problem, which was first revealed in a comment by Sjoerd Visscher. The basic concept is that by using document.createElement(tagName) to create each of the unknown elements, the parser in IE then recognises those elements and parses them in a more reasonable and useful way. e.g. By using the following script:


The resulting DOM for the fragment given above looks like this:

This same technique works for all unknown elements in IE 6, 7 and 8. Note that there is a known bug that prevented this from working in IE 8 beta 2, but this has since been resolved in the latest non-public technical preview.

For convenience, Remy Sharp has written and published a simple script that provides this enhancement for all new elements in the current draft of HTML5, which you can download and use.

This script is not needed for other browsers. Opera 9, Firefox 3 and Safari 3 all parse unknown elements in a more reasonable way by default. Note, however, that Firefox 2 does suffer from some related problems, for which there is unfortunately no known solution; but it is hoped that given the faster upgrade cycle for users of Firefox, relatively speaking compared with IE, Firefox 2 won't pose too much of a problem in the future.

Posted in Browsers, DOM, Elements, Events, Syntax | 25 Comments »

Google Tech Talk: HTML5 demos

Friday, September 26th, 2008

I gave a talk at Google on Monday demonstrating the various features of HTML5 that are implemented in browsers today. The video is now on YouTube, so now you too can watch and laugh at my lame presentation skills!

The segments of this talk are as follows. Some of the demos are available online for you to play with and are linked to from the following list:

  1. Introduction
  2. <video> (00:35)
  3. postMessage() (05:40)
  4. localStorage (15:20)
  5. sessionStorage (21:00)
  6. Drag and Drop API (29:05)
  7. onhashchange (37:30)
  8. Form Controls (40:50)
  9. <canvas> (56:55)
  10. Validation (1:07:20)
  11. Questions and Answers (1:09:35)

If you're very interested in watching my typos, the high quality version of the video on the YouTube site is clear enough to see the text being typed. More details about the demos can be found on the corresponding demo page.

Posted in Browser API, Browsers, Conformance Checking, DOM, Elements, Events, Forms, Multimedia, Syntax, WHATWG | 7 Comments »

Interview about HTML5 on Boagworld

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008

Boagworld is a web design and development podcast based in the UK. In today's episode, they interview me about HTML5. In it, we discuss the current state of HTML5, some of the new features that are currently, or are being implemented, and what we can expect in the future.

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Web Standards Group: HTML 5 Presentation

Sunday, January 21st, 2007

On Thursday evening (2007-01-25), at the Web Standards Group meeting in Sydney, I'll be doing a presentation about the future of HTML. It will be a 20 minute presentation giving an overview of the new features in HTML5. So, if you're in Sydney and interested learning more about HTML5, or maybe the other 3 topics being presented, RSVP now and come along!

For those of you who can't make it on the night, the slides, and hopefully a podcast of the event, will be made available afterwards.

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