The WHATWG Blog — 2014 — September


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Archive for September, 2014

Rolling out TLS and HSTS

Monday, September 15th, 2014

All and domains, including subdomains, are now available over TLS. We are also enabling HSTS though this is not done everywhere just yet. If you find Mixed Content issues be sure to let us know or provide a pull request on GitHub.

Update: TLS and HSTS are now deployed everywhere on both domains. We also submitted the domains to the HSTS preload list.

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Make patent commitments for the URL standard

Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014

The WHATWG is starting down the road of getting patent commitments for its standards. You can be part of this! First, create an account with the W3C's community group system. Then, join the WHATWG community group. Then make the patent commitment by following the instructions on this page (pick the first radio button, then click "Record my choice"). That's all there is to it! Google, Mozilla, and Opera have already signed the patent commitment agreement. Anyone can sign up, but it's even more useful if you are an employee of a big patent-holding company and can convince your company to sign up!

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