Bro, you ok? Bro, humans aren’t separate from the ecosystems around us. We’re a part of them, bro. Bro, we’re never going to have absolutely zero effect on ecosystems, because we live here, bro. Bro, I never said it had to be a bad effect. We don’t have to immediately be perfect either, bro, sometimes doing what you can is what you can, and its way better than nothing. Bro what do you mean humans are a plague. You’re starting to sound a bit like an ecofascist, bro… Bro?

Bro, if you feel like humans are a plague, Google native plants to your area and buy some seeds and take care of a little plot of them on your backyard or in a pot or in a little corner of a park and watch as we help restore a small piece of what was lost. Do you feel that bro? Do you feel a synthesis of what came before us and what we ourselves made? Bro?

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    Bro, you ok? Bro, humans aren’t separate from the ecosystems around us. We’re a part of them, bro. Bro, we’re never...
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