

This is a picture of a cis woman, y’all are literally just racist



TERFS DID THIS TO ME ON TUMBLR. I got an anon telling me I passed terribly. like. I'm literally cis and by telling me I do not pass, you are showing that you view womanhood in ways that are not only regressive for trans folk but also regressive and harmful for the very cis women you claim to support and prioritize. They uphold the very beauty and gender performative standards they seek to diminish. Fuck terfs.


Daily reminder that TERFism has roots in both fascism (eugenics, patriarchal gender performance) and white supremacy (euronormative standards of beauty and biology) and is by no means a viable form of feminism.


Had a dream where I was exploring a cave in totk and found Demise’s sword

Edit: stay tuned I’m turning this into a mini comic series. It’s posted on @avid-makes-a-comic

he's going through a hair dye phase (sleeping in a berry patch)


feels like some of u aren't properly appreciating the fact that he sleeps in a berry patch. and he rolls over and squishes the berries into his fur. because he's so sleepy and content.

maybe people think he's an ugly dog but just to be clear he is actually a beautiful pig


hey now...


ID: a screenshot that reads: Crack treated seriously. A certified silly goose, you wish everyone could chill out and find some fucking whimsy!ALT

Couldn't have nailed me any harder to the floor if you had a fucking hammer.







the city where we live doesn't allow public barbecues so my brother fucking welded a grill to a handcart and now hosts "chill and grill sessions" where he sends all his friends his live location so they can hunt him down on their bikes with sausages in their backpacks while he carts it around evading the police like some sort of barbecue vigilante, grilling on the run. i have never been prouder of him


High quality plot twist


Yes, this @notsuchasecret!


This potato works. Every. Fucking. Time.

Then bring me luck

the day after I posted this last time I was notified that I was selected for a really cool mentorship gig and got an unrelated glowing review at work

I have a job interview tomorrow. I can't risk it.

I can't let this pass without reblogging it. I'm so sorry.



@el-huddpudd for your poetry tag 💜

This is the prompt btw


wow this is too intimate to share with my close friends or family let me put this on my tumblr blog for hundreds of strangers to see

The wise man, when caught naked in public, covers not his junk but his face.

Bro, you ok? Bro, humans aren’t separate from the ecosystems around us. We’re a part of them, bro. Bro, we’re never going to have absolutely zero effect on ecosystems, because we live here, bro. Bro, I never said it had to be a bad effect. We don’t have to immediately be perfect either, bro, sometimes doing what you can is what you can, and its way better than nothing. Bro what do you mean humans are a plague. You’re starting to sound a bit like an ecofascist, bro… Bro?

Bro, if you feel like humans are a plague, Google native plants to your area and buy some seeds and take care of a little plot of them on your backyard or in a pot or in a little corner of a park and watch as we help restore a small piece of what was lost. Do you feel that bro? Do you feel a synthesis of what came before us and what we ourselves made? Bro?

This too is part of my gap moe







i somehow found my way to the “what did the drunkest person at the party last night do?” thread

do i ship these characters or do i want them to form a sketch comedy duo

sometimes "i ship it" just means "their Yes And game is insane and i wanna see more"

is this a reaction or an example


sometimes I wonder if I spoil Izutsumi, seeing her with her ipad, in her yurt.

the OG and a certified classic:


nothing has been more important to my being queer than when i went to my first pride parade, got seperated from my group, had a panic attack about it and was sitting on the side of the road holding a tiny genderfluid flag and freaking out. then this six foot five drag queen in four inch heels appeared from literally nowhere and sat down next to me. i, this scared-shitless trans bi kid at pride for the first time, very nervously told her she looked pretty and i told her my name and that i got lost and didn't feel like i should be at pride and she held my hand and said "oh, honey, everybody deserves to be here, especially you. pride is for everybody who's ever gotten lost, who's been scared of who they are or where they are. you think we never been scared before? pride's for you, honey, because you're scared. you don't have to be proud right now, but you're gonna be one day, honey, i'm sure of it."

i found my group soon after that and i never saw that queen again but to this day i am convinced i met an angel.

so yeah. pride is for you. pride is for all of us.

I think adults need summer vacation. Like let's just close down all our jobs for three months and play outside. Please. I'm so tired.

Love to see this post getting notes again. None of us are ok.

i may just be french but do americans really not get paid summer vacations? you don't go to the beach with your kids? "There is no federal or state statutory minimum paid vacation or paid public holidays" am i reading this right? like i'm not trying to rub anyone's face in it but you're just stuck in the rat race year-round until you're old and that's normal and accepted??? in the 21st century???


I can't fucking believe we live like this

That map is kind of misleading. At least in the case of Spain, but I suspect mostly everywhere else too: you see, here you get 22 mandatory vacation days, yeah, but those are just the ones you get to choose the dates for. Then, you have another 14 days per year of mandatory public holidays. So the minimum number of paid off days is 36 per year, not 22.

If I'm not wrong, the US is the only country in the world with no legally mandated public holidays.

This makes it seem all the more evil and insidious that the usa tries so hard to infect the world with our version of capitalism...


I can’t explain why this image is so funny to me but it is.

hey i know i asked for constructive criticism but what i actually wanted was for you to tell me i'm extremely talented. and also pretty. sorry if that was unclear

The term “drug-seeking behavior” is so funny to me on the surface. Like, it’s not funny in actuality because it is often used severely ableist, racist and classist undertones. But. Aren’t most patients seeking drugs? Like, 95% of all emergency room patients wouldn’t be there if they didn’t need medication urgently. Be it antibiotics, antiemetics, fever reducers or, and yes some people need those, painkillers. If they could stick this one out at home without drugs, they probably wouldn’t have drug their ass to the doctor’s.


:3 feels happier than :) But not as genuine as :]

:3 is my favorite. Full of deceit and silliness. The jester’s face. The culmination of all that’s chaotic and ever changing.

:) can be ominous, if it’s alone or accompanied by odd context! But sometimes, it’s yer friendly ol smile.

:] is a friendly face. That is a friend. Look at it. What harm could it possibly do?



You have the secret knowledge my friend


The little guys are here… the littlest of smiles… like being handed a flower on a nice day…


Like this almost

You understand the treasures!

Creatures located in this post:


we kill the bat man

we will not have achieved our biotech dreams until every spice has an anti-spice that you can add when youve used too much which binds to it and renders it tasteless

putting the pepper shaker and the pepperase shaker out on the table before serving dinner

sorry for being a cunt sometimes it’s just that i am one

do you think they would find each other in any universe



sometimes when I'm bored, I go through the list of recent bad faith Wikipedia edits that have since been reverted. a lot of them are politically contentious/offensive topics that attract crazies and trolls in general, but sometimes there are completely innocent inoffensive articles that people attack for no reason. some guy yesterday vandalized the article on the chemical element francium


Francium IS a stupid element. It has a half life of 22 minutes and barely exists at all, only naturally occurring as a product of the extremely rare alpha decay series ²³⁵U ➝ ²³¹Th ➝ ²³¹Pa (𝜷 decay) ➝ ²²⁷Ac ➝ ²²³Fr (1.38% chance). There’s less than a gram of it on earth at any given moment. It has no uses to anybody and it isn’t even the most reactive group 1A element due to relativistic effects fucking up its electron binding energies. Stupid substance.

If you somehow asked a genie to get you a gram of Francium in a sealed vial so you could do an experiment with it, the genie would just give it to you because the enormous amount of radioactivity it produces would instantly vaporize the sample and cook you alive. Absolute dogshit isotope and its synthetic siblings are just the same but worse

found the guy

>password sharing is estimated to cost them several billion dollars


Password sharing actually doesnt cost them anything, every time u share a password they dont have to pay u for that. Its free. They just use that language bc they say that not having everyone buy into their service is a loss of a customer they /never even had/ and are pretending they would have made money from those non customers

They aren't losing money, they're just mad they aren't making more money. Absolutely share passwords with friends and people you trust.

This lady had slaves when she lived in Arkansas.  — Crown Fried's Finest (@mersrulesworld_) May 10, 2024ALT

She also was one of the people who glassed Libya and turned it into an open-air slave market-having nightmare state, so I think we can discard any insights she might have about Middle East policy.

insane men covered in blood. you agree. reblog.

It’s art, it’s architecture, it’s whimsy, it’s —

Throwback thursday to when I was like 12 and I was putting out new writing DAILY...... Like entire Chapters of my then-current wips just, over an afternoon. What the fuck was I on


Me, age 12, just started drinking coffee:



I drew 14 pictures during the day, and wrote 32 pages a night. Now I can’t do shit.

A huge part of this is because you've gotten better! And now, when you're drawing/writing/doing whatever creative task, you're not just mindlessly throwing thoughts at your paper, you're thinking as you do it. Children can churn out a lot more work because it's not yet refined, but when you're older and have more practice, you work with all these thoughts running through your head about form and shape, color palettes or word choice. Now, you're making a dozen decisions with every moment of work, and you're also questioning the decisions you've just made, wondering if you can do it better. Don't beat yourself up about producing less work now than you did back then, because every sentence or shape involves a lot more effort for you now, than it did when you were ten and brand new to this hobby.

Also you have a job now and the never-ending bullshit that is laundry and dishes and feeding yourself.


Nadine Abdel-Taif, 10, whose home in Palestine was destroyed by Israeli bombing

They say you die three times, first when the body dies, second, when your body enters the grave, and third, when your name is spoken for the last time. You were a normal person in life, but hundreds of years later, you still haven’t had your “third” death. You decide to find out why.

You sold some shitty copper, man, I don’t know what to tell you

Rewatching She Ra for the hundredth time cuz I’m gay trash and ?

I adore queen Angella. She really captures “mom/leader” well. In so many fictional stories the parents are kinda “yup okay go off and fight then” or the parents are dead. It is SO REFRESHING to have a more realistic mom who is like “wtf explain this nO YOU CANT GO FIGHT WTF SIT DOWN UR GROUNDED”

11/10 best mom writing I’ve ever seen haha


This is basically what happened

This is just Bow throughout seasons one and two when Adora talks about pretty much any of her childhood.


Just wait until some one else starts to talk...

"We need to find a good therapist for Bow"

"Okay, what is it this time?"

"Catra began talking about her childhood last night!"

my number one skill is being sooo cute and my number two skill is the ancient curse

This wouldn't happen to me if i were a huge dragon

booty shorts that say ASK ME ABOUT THE BOOK I'M READING on the ass

Do you think in Narnia, instead of "trans woman" and "trans man", they say "daughter of Adam" and "son of Eve"?

I wonder if nonbinary people would be "child of Eden"


🕷️Roger Witt🕷️


im trying to go to sleep but i cannotttttt stop thinking about this and laughing

Listen, we have to keep this thing circulating on the internet for at least another two decades, because I have to believe that one day that little girl will be grown enough to stumble upon it and She Will Explain

We’ve made it 5 years folks


another take of this meme but with tht one foaming guy & aang


It has been literal years but every time I see Martin’s tweets posted somewhere and his word is shared as truth while her post is not shared it sort of reiterates the fact that we trust men to speak about feminism more than we believe women who experience it. 

Interesting, innit?

Reading her account of how their boss treated her blows me away. Men are so emboldened that they will literally admit to illegal discrimination casually and face no consequences.

In all the years of seeing this post I’ve never seen a link to her side. Didn’t even know she’d written one.


Adding screenshots of her post. His whole post is there without needing a link. Hers should be, too.

Also, she posted this is 2017! It’s fucking 2020 and I’ve seen his side of this for years, but it took 3 years for her side to make its way to my dash…

I’ve reblogged his story at least twice; it’s time for Nicole’s.

Reblogged him, bout time I got to reblog her.

“ you ever have just like, a really bad idea
anyways if you like bad things here’s a postcard
I was trying to figure out why this post starting spiking recently and then I found out you animals had this queued for...

you ever have just like, a really bad idea

anyways if you like bad things here’s a postcard

I was trying to figure out why this post starting spiking recently and then I found out you animals had this queued for Mother’s Day



Interview With Jamison Green. Originally posted on Youtube, by Dr. Lindsey Doe.

[Jamison Green sitting on a couch, being interviewed by Dr. Doe. He is wearing a suit shirt and a black jacket, and has a grey beard.]
JAMISON: When I first transitioned, I thought I was going to go get a sex change, then go home and mow my lawn. I did not ever imagine that my life would change at all, because already people- at least half the time, sometimes more- thought I was male. And so, I figured nothing was going to change, I would just feel more comfortable in my body. I realised that there were all these other people out there who were living in fear and shame, because of their differences. And I thought, that is not right. And so I said to them, I’m going to start using my full name in public, and I’m going to start talking about who we are. Don’t be afraid to change in all kinds of ways. Your self can change.
[Jamison and the interviewer high-five.]
INTERVIEWER: I’m impressed by what you’ve done.
JAMISON: Thank you.

Jamison Green was born in 1948. He came out as a trans man the late 1980s and made his transition public, for the benefit of others. He has been an activist since then, and led the FTM community after Lou Sullivan's death.

His contributions to trans rights have been largely erased by mainstream narratives around trans history.

Mr. Green wrote the book Becoming a Visible Man, exploring his experiences as a bisexual trans guy, his relationships with lovers and family, and his struggle to transition. He was involved in the 2012 documentary TRANS, where he advocated on behalf of trans people, and discussed his experiences with being s*xually assaulted.


1997 | dir. Steven Spielberg

i always forget "fuck" is a bad word. it's like a brother to me


Thinking about how when my oldest brother took Japanese classes his professor was like your pronunciation is really good 😊 but you need to watch movies that aren't about the Yakuza because you sound like a criminal

somewhere in this beautiful world there is a man who sounds like Paulie Walnuts because he learned English by watching the Sopranos

Really in love with some of the notes on this post


official linguistics post

saw 23: jigsaw returns

jigsaw: you smoked, so, like. uh. um. eat all these cigarettes.

smoker: eat the cigarettes?

jigsaw: i’ve got like 5 cartons of cigarettes. eat all these cigarettes.


An important message from the National Lawyers Guild - Detroit & Michigan Chapter


<older man and older woman chatting amiably at a table, their conversation is just on the edge of intelligible>

Denise: Oh, hello!

Bill: We were just talking about you kids.

D: I’m Denise Heberle (HEB-er-lee)…

B: And I’m Bill Goodman.

D: Together we’ve been fighting fascism for over 50 years.

B: And so much has changed over those 50 years, such as the ingredients to a successful firebomb!

D (cheerily): And the glass that bank windows are made of!

B: But there’s one thing that hasn’t changed over 50 years, something that is so important to tell you kids who are new to this movement.

Both: Shut the fuck up.

D: You’re sitting in the police transport van after a protest?

B: Shut the fuck up. In a holding cell, with your comrades?

D: Shut the fuck up. Cop knocks on your door?

B: Shut the fuck up.

D: Texting on an unsecured device?

B: Shut the fuck up. Pulled over by the cops after a protest?

D: Shut the fuck up. Cop just asking about your day?

B: Shut the fuck up. Feds call your mom?

D: Tell your mother to shut the fuck up.

B: Now. Repeat after me. When the cops come calling, what do you do?

(Cut to Bill standing with eight kids)

Kids: Shut the fuck up!

(Cut to Card:

“Shut The Fuck up
A Public Service Announcement from


Detroit & Michigan Chapter”)

Achievement Unlocked:

Shut The Fuck Up

Listen to the kindly old people, and never, ever snitch. Not even on yourself.


An important message from the National Lawyers Guild - Detroit & Michigan Chapter


<older man and older woman chatting amiably at a table, their conversation is just on the edge of intelligible>

Denise: Oh, hello!

Bill: We were just talking about you kids.

D: I’m Denise Heberle (HEB-er-lee)…

B: And I’m Bill Goodman.

D: Together we’ve been fighting fascism for over 50 years.

B: And so much has changed over those 50 years, such as the ingredients to a successful firebomb!

D (cheerily): And the glass that bank windows are made of!

B: But there’s one thing that hasn’t changed over 50 years, something that is so important to tell you kids who are new to this movement.

Both: Shut the fuck up.

D: You’re sitting in the police transport van after a protest?

B: Shut the fuck up. In a holding cell, with your comrades?

D: Shut the fuck up. Cop knocks on your door?

B: Shut the fuck up.

D: Texting on an unsecured device?

B: Shut the fuck up. Pulled over by the cops after a protest?

D: Shut the fuck up. Cop just asking about your day?

B: Shut the fuck up. Feds call your mom?

D: Tell your mother to shut the fuck up.

B: Now. Repeat after me. When the cops come calling, what do you do?

(Cut to Bill standing with eight kids)

Kids: Shut the fuck up!

(Cut to Card:

“Shut The Fuck up
A Public Service Announcement from


Detroit & Michigan Chapter”)

Achievement Unlocked:

Shut The Fuck Up

Listen to the kindly old people, and never, ever snitch. Not even on yourself.

what a scary thing, to be seen

what a fright, to be known

but what a joy, to be felt


2.21 — "Open Season"

One moment why I love this show so much

youtube comment by mikeycrabtree123 that says "if people can hate for no reason, then i can love for no reason. i love you"ALT

still thinking about this youtube comment i screenshotted ages ago


obsessed with this sign i saw taped up outside the bat room at the zoo yesterday. the enthusiasm, the hand-written note, the bat drawing.

one of my buddies just succumbed to desire. he seriously just embraced earthly pleasures... the cost was not immediately apparent but will probably become known soon


It’s these brands specifically, just in case you picked them up somewhere else (via WaPo’s “the Seven” morning newsletter)

can I have a badass picture of a wolf howling at the moon please

it isn't very badass but he is whimsical, hope this suffices




HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!


Follow for more ❤️



fellas, is it gay to have a homoerotic rivalry with your space ranger partner??


The Sims (2000) and The sims 2 (2004) ads.

>be me

>open tumblr in public

>falin's tits

>frantically close tumblr

>open twitter

>falin's tits again

“these are the only human emotions.

these are the only human emotions.


im the bug that your parents say is more scared of you than you are of me

im gonna getcha! im gonna getcha!!!


omg stoppp!!! hehe ^_^ !!!!



The funniest thing I have read tonight

i'm like a whore that's shy and also kinda quiet and moody and secretive and mysterious and reserved

mm fulled of eggs


"ovipositon blunder" written in flaming textALT

700 notes I jus wokered up. All of you are evil beasts . 4 more eggs as little snack

oh i can make this worse




imagine ur mortal enemies with a vampire and they just fucking. take a nap until you die. 100 years later they wake up like “i win” how embarrassing,,,

The best revenge is living well........

i think the best revenge in this case would be killing ur vampire enemy

Ok but imagine ur an immortal vampire and your worst enemy is a world renoun author who's been dead for 500 years but people still quote him. Like imagine if ur mortal enemy was william shakespeare or dante aligheri. Like you cant even kill them by any means. Everybody loves them but you remember them and you hate them but everyone disagrees with you

oh god,,,, that’d be my worst nightmareeee. yeah ur right the best revenge is getting so famous that u become immortal and then ur vampire enemy can never escape u

racists getting mad in the notes on this cute video I posted now lmao. the reason I posted it to begin with is because I was seeing too many posts about Palestine where people were talking about Palestinians as if they are a political problem to be solved and not human beings.

Of course when it comes to Palestinians who simply trying to enjoy moments of happiness they often get judged and disrespected for it!!!

anyways here's the full song that they’re singing. it's a traditional folk song sung by the beloved Palestinian singer-songwriter Rim Banna, known as the voice of Palestine. (Rest in peace). her music truly captured the spirit and resilience of Palestine. May her legacy continue to inspire and resonate with people around the world.

Hala La La Layya ( Palestinian Folk music)Rim Bannaimage

original post date: May 18, 2021

joy is also a form of resistance

Resources for Mending Clothes


We toss out over 80 pounds of textiles each year. These textiles are often made of plastic materials (polyester, nylon), made in unethical conditions, dyed with harsh dyes that often get put into the rivers, etc. Even a single cotton shirt releases carbon emissions and uses tons of water. 

So the best thing to prevent the unsustainable growth of the fashion industry is to make sure that your clothing lasts as long as possible. To do so, mending clothing is a must. So here are some resources to help you learn how to do various things, such as sewing a button, to tailoring clothes, or even upcycling old clothing into new styles. 

* How to sew on three different types of button

* How to hand sew on a patch on a torn pair of jeans

* How to sew up a hole in an old shirt

* How to sew a simple T-shirt

* How to upcycle old clothing into new clothing

* More upcycle and sewing techniques

* How to repair a damaged sock

* How to do an invisible stitch

* 3 different stitches to work with for different results

* How to make a T-shirt smaller so it fits you better

* How to make repairs to your shoes

These are just a few of the things that you can do in order to make sure that your clothing lasts for a long time. Nobody wants to keep buying new clothing, as it is expensive and wasteful. 

So making alterations to your clothing, or fixing small holes hen you see them can be hugely beneficial to your wallet, to garment workers, and to the environment in the long term. 

Mending! It’s really satisfying, saves money, and saves the planet!

Abolish Spotify


Youtube doing this while fully fucking enabling the alt right pipeline with dozens if not hundreds of racist/anti semitic grifters on their platform for decades at this point is an insane double standard.

“ judgejudyofficial:
“ luscious-theomorphic:
“ tumblunni:
“ desolation5row:
“here since none of you know what a bear is
Srsly thats just a regular hunk. Bear is an important term cos there really wasn’t any word for...

here since none of you know what a bear is

Srsly thats just a regular hunk. Bear is an important term cos there really wasn’t any word for “handsome heavyset man” before the LGBT community came along and opened our eyes to the truth. Calling skinny buff dudes bears is like all those douchebros who are like “i want a thicc gorl” *points to stick thin woman who just has big booby*


THANK you. And originally it DID just mean fat hairy men exclusively, it was only later that ‘musclebears’ became a thing. But Bear was a reaction to the gay male culture’s obsession with what we now call a twink (which is, to whit: a thin, hairless, youthful man between 18-25), as well as a reaction to the idea that gay men had to be femme in order to be gay, as well as offering body positivity to gay men who were fat, which is an important distinction–Bear Pride is a gay male fat positivity movement/identity, that’s real important and we gotta not forget that, because that support and representation and pride is a protest against the part of gay culture that toxically commodifies male bodies and demands thinness and hairlessness.  /soapbox

anyway i am here for my bear brothers.

now that we know the difference, bears please feel free to send me marriage proposals


what up your local trans bear sharing some background history

life is hard but at least theres the 2009 anime soul eater op 2 papermoon by tommy heavenly6. at least theres that

Watching my toddler figure out how to language is fascinating. Yesterday we were stumped when he kept insisting there was a “Lego winner” behind his bookshelf - it turned out to be a little Lego trophy cup. Not knowing the word for “trophy”, he’d extrapolated a word for “thing you can win”. And then, just now, he held up his empty milk container and said, “Mummy? It’s not rubbish. It’s allowed to be a bottle.” - meaning, effectively, “I want this. Don’t throw it away.” But to an adult ear, there’s something quite lovely about “it’s allowed to be a bottle,” as if we’re acknowledging that the object is entitled to keep its title even in the absence of the original function.

Ever since I wrote this post, barely a week has passed where I haven’t seen new notifications for it, as more and more people add their own stories about kids and language - and that’s delightful. But when I check my activity tab, because I never gave this post a proper title, my notifications show me instead a fragment of the opening line - Watching my toddler figure out how to language… - and it always makes me laugh, because time has passed, and he’s not a toddler anymore. When I originally wrote this post - on my phone, in the car, on December 20th, 2016 - my son was 3, talking about a plastic bottle of chocolate milk we’d bought him at a service station stop on a drive to stay with family; lo these seven years later, on March 5th, 2024, he’s 11, playing Roblox with his friends while listening to music from Hollow Knight on his laptop. Yet this snapshot of his toddlerhood remains, unchanged, as though he’d never aged all - and while there’s something lovely about that, as dates on tumblr are so often opaque, I thought I should also offer an update :)

“‘Fuck you I won’t do what you tell me’

‘Fuck you I won’t do what you tell me’