idk man, I just live here... (Posts tagged neo cortex)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

i remembered something i eventually wanted to make a post about and idk if its something i'm personally just looking into too much or whatever but it's just been simmering in my mind almost forgotten since march i think.

i thought it'd be kinda interesting if the time/date of the areas (past, future, etc), specifically in relation to n. gin, n. brio, cortex and n. tropy, correlated to the way they think.

n. gin's behaviour in crash 4 kinda says to me that he isn't one to dwell on the past all that much even though he definitely could considering all he's been through. His mind is on his current objective(s), whether that objective is work related or personal is irrelevant because it's about figuring out how he's going to get there and what's next.

n. brio is very obviously caught up in the past and is what's driving him forward at this point. it's a pretty significant thing he talks about in his levels, getting even with cortex being the main one. lamenting the fact that he doesn't truly have any friends either is another.

cortex is a little similar to n. brio albeit different reasoning. he's stumbling a bit on his past failures which i'd say would be hard ignore when you have someone like uka uka to contend with, though it's not really something that holds cortex back. he even tries (fails) to fix his biggest failure by physically going back to the past.

the fact that the year for n. tropy's area is unknown suits him well imo. since time is his speciality he might not always look at things from a particular view in time but also, he's just kinda spiteful which just backfires on himself and his plans considerably no matter the angle he's looking at things from.

i'm not sure if i worded that all in the best way but it's still interesting to me.

crash bandicoot neo cortex n. gin n. brio nefarious tropy n. tropy always here for dat crash meta i mean yeah good point N. Tropy's host-world being an indeterminate time-frame makes sense - he's literally trying to erase everything return the universe to a singular point where applying any current timeframe would be irrelevant good on our boi rawkit-hed for channeling all his potential angst into music instead of dwelling - he's here to get the job done just feeling bad for Cortex and Brio's tragically bitter divorced couple vibes at this point

catbat origin comic from toys for bob! pretty cool, apparently they’re planning on making more comics in place of a story mode. hopefully we get more stories around returning characters also!

crash team rumble crash bandicoot catbat neo cortex nitrus brio n. brio CAT BAT ORIGIN GOD I HOPE THEY DO ONE FOR EACH MAJOR PLAYER I just fukn love the Crash 4 artbook-style pages 2 and 3 are in the wrong order but you guys can figure it out