idk man, I just live here...

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Navigation for mobile users:

I realized (a bit belatedly) that mobile users can’t easily access my Commission Info and Tag Archive pages, so here are some major ones:


**COMMISSION INFO (updated Nov 30th, 2023)**

Crash Bandicoot OC Comic Vol.1 ~ Origins

Crash Bandicoot OC Comic Vol. 2 ~ Awakening

Comic-related asks (Part 1)

Comic-related asks (Part 2)

Neofarious (Crash Bandicoot OC)

Text Post Memes

Crow-demon (my avatar)

Quagsire (pokemon)

My Ko-fi <3

Pinned Post

we have that whole bit ‘if you’re 30 and on tumblr congratulations the mental illness won’ and it’s true, it’s very true. But I have something more important to say: if you’re 30 and you’re on tumblr, congrats, you are the same age as the people who organized Dashcon when they did. You have that in common with them. Think on that. In your dreams.


Achievement unlocked: Didn't Make Dashcon


artist tips


don’t save as jpeg


as a former yearbook editor and designer, let me explain this further

if youre only planning on posting your art online, them please save it as .png ;this is also better for transparencies as well


please, if youre planning of printing your art, NEVER use png. it makes the quality of the image pretty shitty. use jpeg or pdf instead. and always set your work at 300dpi to get a better printing quality - this means, the images are crisper and sharper and theres no slight blurriness. i had a talk with my friend who is currently taking design, and pdf is much better to use when youre working with a bigger publishing company because it still has the layers intact, but if youre only planning on printing your stuff at staples or at some small publishing store, the jpeg is the way to go.

this has been a public service announcement


I’ve replied to this once before but I see it’s doing the rounds again.

This is all utter bullshit.

I’m sorry but if your qualification is working on the school yearbook, you have no qualifications. Do not pretend otherwise. As a former professional photo manipulator for advertising brochures, I can say that you’re not comparing apples to oranges here - if anything, you’re comparing fruit to farmyard machinery:

  • JPEG is a lossy format. It is suitable for web imagery because it sacrifices detail for reduced file sizes, but in doing so it introduces artifacts that weren’t in the original; if you load a JPEG for editing, then save it as a different JPEG, then you’re adding more artifacts formed from those first artifacts. Do this often enough and you end up with a horrid glitchy mess that looks like a puddle’s reflection after a stone’s been thrown in. You’ve seen those memes that have 3 or 4 different “found at” tags along the bottom, that look like fingerpainted copies of the original? That’s why.
  • PNG is a lossless format that comes in two primary flavours, PNG-8 and PNG-24, which use 8 and 24 bit colour respectively. 8-bit colour is what you have in GIFs, a limit of just 256 different colours in a predetermined palette, usually automatically chosen by your software when saving. These files will look the same as GIFs, potentially with large patches of solid colour instead of the usual gradual shading seen in 24-bit imagery. This is usually better for small banners or pixel art, as it can yield smaller filesizes than GIF format. (There is an animated version called MNG but it has very little web support, hence the continued use of GIFs.)
  • PNG-24 is great for larger images where detail is as important as colour depth, as well as printable RGB images and (if supported by the client) full colour images with gradient transparencies. It most certainly does not make “the quality of the image pretty shitty,” as it preserves every nuance. File sizes can be smaller than JPEG for small images, or significantly larger for large images.
  • PDF is a container file, whatever you put into it will be pretty much preserved as it was, so you gain nothing but lose nothing.
  • TIFF is what you need to be using for archival or print-quality imagery. It has support for multiple layers, multiple colour channels (RGB as well as CMYK, which is essential for accurate print rendering), and everything is preserved exactly as it was seen on-screen when being composed. There are compressed versions available, they use similar methods to PNG in order to maintain detail without sacrifice; next to whatever your graphics program uses natively, this is the most interchangeable format available for professional use.
  • DPI is important only when used in combination with image dimensions; in and of itself it serves no purpose. If you make a brilliantly detailed 640x480 image & set it to 300dpi, you’ll receive a brilliantly detailed 2 inch x 1.6 inch print. This is great if you want to make a postage stamp, but not if you’re creating an A4 flyer! Determine the image’s dimension then set the DPI accordingly; 72dpi isn’t hideous especially for text-heavy work (it’s ~3 pixels per millimeter), and 150dpi can be suitable for many images. Unless you’re interested in photo realism, 300dpi is usually overkill - for our hypothetical A4 flyer, you’d need a file of 2490x3510 pixels for edge to edge printing, with a correspondingly high memory requirement and filesize even if using a compressed format.
  • Keeping the layers intact is utterly unimportant for print work unless you want to use a separated colour print method that requires multiple passes to lay down each ink. If you send a file with all the layers, masks, etc. off for printing you’re liable to get it sent back unactioned, as they won’t want to take responsibility for choosing the wrong elements for printing. Save your work with everything intact, then save a flattened copy especially for printing purposes - this is one of the reasons Save Copy As… is a common option in graphics manipulation software.

This has been a Public Service Rebuttal.



As a designer who’s worked a few years for a newspaper, I cannot begin to tell you how much OP’s post (edit: response, technically) made me cringe. I would have killed to get a photo as a TIFF for once instead of having to tear apart PDFs only to find a 50x100px 72dpi shitty JPEG inside for the 5 millionth time…

JPEG and PNG are best suited for web formats (and it is perfectly fine to save your web version as JPEG, that’s what it’s goddamn for). You will make a designer cry if you send a web-safe JPEG for print, however. And if you have a vectorized logo saved as EPS (or even better, AI), you will make that designer’s year.


Reference, and sharing for others.

there's no 'one-filetype-fits-all' scenario IT ALWAYS DEPENDS so I was relieved when someone corrected the 'jpeg for printing' response cuz GOD ABSOLUTELY NO JPEG FOR PRINTING it's fine for web tho- i remember it was basically king back in the days where the internet was still universally slow asf but nowadays ppl tend to use it when they WANT artifacting for style or meme purposes which is fine and fun most self-taught digital artists don't even THINK to work on files big enough for print (as long as it looks big enough on their screen) and then decide later that they wanna try printing it only to realize they can't working on a print-quality-sized file/canvas can make your software quite laggy esp on a regular laptop so you basically sketch in a smaller dpi and then you DECIDE if this is something you might wanna print one day... and THEN scale the size&dpi up before ink and color etc. you NEVER just scale up afterwards unless it's fully vector-based it's gonna look blurry asf sorry i got wayy sidetracked whoops

Again: Piracy (ie. ROMs) is preservation. Piracy is archives. Piracy is art-affirming in a world which devalues and abandons art.  — Srsly Wrong Podcast (@SrslyWrong) July 14, 2023ALT

I'm just gonna slide this on in here for anyone that is interested in preserving old games. They take it very seriously too, they want an archive of every single game. Like, they have lists of every game ever released for a system, and once that system gets old enough, they add it to their archive and start collecting. Their latest addition was the Xbox 360, they opened that vault up in September 2022, and proudly announced they'd finished their collection of games for it back in April.

Also, while their game archives are almost entirely complete, they've got another project of archiving the manuals that came with those games, and that is... considerably less well filled out. Their collection of Xbox 360 manuals is especially rough, they've only gotten manuals for three games. So if you've got some Xbox 360 games kicking around, and the manual's still with them, please consider scanning them and submitting them to the site!

Game preservation is important, but people rarely consider preserving the manuals as well; I really respect Vimm's Lair for being so thorough in their archival work.


I've been using Vimm's Lair for years, I have yet to see a single bad link or virus on the entire site. It's arguably the safest and most comprehensive archive of video games in existence. Preserved history


God I forgot what an absolute lunatic blackwall is

Man is just out in the hinterlands cosplaying. Like replaying the game knowing Solas is the Dread Wolf adds all this cool intrigue and double meaning but replaying it knowing about Blackwall is fucking wild. He looks you in the face and lies directly out of his ass. Solas is all doublespeak and careful omission and Blackwall just fully makes shit up. What a madlad. I'm obsessed with him. he's so fake it til you make it. He would kill it on TikTok just like "oh yeah grey wardens can't get COVID it's right here in the treaties" and no one calls him on it because the treaties are old as fuck and boring. Alistair (who is supposed to be able to sense the Blight) is like oh hey blackwall haha we've definitely met I totally remember you. No you Haven't, Alistair. You've never seen this jackass ever in your life. He looks Solas, god of betrayal, in the eyes and says with full confidence "Yes, I am a Grey Warden." And Solas is like Sure. Iron Bull? Buys his bullshit completely. Leliana? Thinks he's cool. Everyone else is like "you smell like shit but I guess that's just how Wardens smell" and he's like "Damn Right It Is Have I Told You My Vietnam Stories" guy was born in '68. You can flirt with him almost immediately. Character of all time. What the fuck.

dragon age da:i dragon age inquisition blackwall thom rainier ashdsfhdkhjg it's not a proper DA companion unless they're (not so) secretly a complete DISASTER Thom pls. get some of the mages to teach you how to lie

I am aware I have died on this hill before but people who really strenuously argue that fanfic isn't "real writing" drive me insane. what do you meeeaaaaannn. besides the fact that any attempt to define "real art" vs "fake art" is inherently reactionary, it just doesn't make any sense. it's Writing. people Write it. what the fuck are you talking about.


"it's totally self-indulgent with no standards for quality and criticism is borderline not allowed"

are you like. aware of the concept of hobbies? if someone regularly posted pictures of their hobbyist knitting projects on their blog, it would be considered rude to drop in with "criticism." that's still a real art form.

"most of it is really bad"

I cannot stress enough how much perceived quality is not a valid metric for determining what is and isn't art

"it's just porn"

I'm going to kill you


"it's full of unchecked misogyny, racism, queerphobia, etc"

I have some really bad news about every artistic medium ever


"you didn't put in the work of making your own world/characters, you just copied someone else's"

tv shows with writers' rooms. ghost writers. franchises where different works are written by different people. adaptations and retellings. sorry guys I guess none of these are real writing anymore.


There is an endemic problem in spinoff novels or cross-media properties like comics, where you'll get a very talented author recruited whose work is generally excellent, and everyone's excited, but then it turns out they don't know how to write fanfiction.

And the result is that the spinoff is really bad. Because the author completely fails to capture the vocal cadence or behavior or motivations of someone else's characters, the narrative tone of the series...they try too hard to the point of making in-universe references feel stilted and unnatural, or do WAY too much exposition about things that shouldn't need to be explained at this level of barrier-of-entry.

The ability to be a chameleon, to figure out and match the "feel" of characters and a world you didn't create, is a learned skill.


a black greenware mug that reads 'don't talk to me until I've eaten this mug'ALT
the other side of the mug. there are two bites out of the rimALT

I truly sacrificed to create this ridiculous mug. biting clay is a bad sensory experience 😔 who would have guessed

I’m tempted not to glaze the bite marks so it looks like it was bitten through the glaze lmao


I showed this to my husband and he said he wants four mugs like this in various states of eaten, so he can swap when no one’s looking and make it look like he’s actually eating it.

yessssss husband's correct that IS what you should do also I need 10 pls