idk man, I just live here...

1.5M ratings
277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Navigation for mobile users:

I realized (a bit belatedly) that mobile users can’t easily access my Commission Info and Tag Archive pages, so here are some major ones:


**COMMISSION INFO (updated Nov 30th, 2023)**

Crash Bandicoot OC Comic Vol.1 ~ Origins

Crash Bandicoot OC Comic Vol. 2 ~ Awakening

Comic-related asks (Part 1)

Comic-related asks (Part 2)

Neofarious (Crash Bandicoot OC)

Text Post Memes

Crow-demon (my avatar)

Quagsire (pokemon)

My Ko-fi <3

Pinned Post

One of my favourite bits of media history trivia is that back in the Elizabethan period, people used to publish unauthorised copies of plays by sending someone who was good with shorthand to discretely write down all of the play's dialogue while they watched it, then reconstructing the play by combining those notes with audience interviews to recover the stage directions; in some cases, these unauthorised copies are the only record of a given play that survives to the present day. It's one of my favourites for two reasons:

  1. It demonstrates that piracy has always lay at the heart of media preservation; and
  2. Imagine being the 1603 equivalent of the guy with the cell phone camera in the movie theatre, furtively scribbling down notes in a little book and hoping Shakespeare himself doesn't catch you.

Thou wouldst not downloadeth a car



To all the artists and folks who want to protect their art against AI mimicry: all the "AI disturbance" overlays that are circulating online lately DON'T WORK!

Glaze's disturbance (and now the Ibis Paint premium feature, apparently. Not sure.) modifies the image on a code-level, it's not just an overlayed effect but it actually affects the image's data so AI can't really detect and interpret the code within the image. From the Glaze website:

Can't you just apply some filter, compression, blurring, or add some noise to the image to destroy image cloaks?
As counterintuitive as this may be, the high level answer is that no simple tools work to destroy the perturbation of these image cloaks. To make sense of this, it helps to first understand that cloaking does not use high-intensity pixels, or rely on bright patterns to distort the image. It is a precisely computed combination of a number of pixels that do not easily stand out to the human eye, but can produce distortion in the AI's β€œeye.” In our work, we have performed extensive tests showing how robust cloaking is to things like image compression and distortion/noise/masking injection.

Another way to think about this is that the cloak is not some brittle watermark that is either seen or not seen. It is a transformation of the image in a dimension that humans do not perceive, but very much in the dimensions that the deep learning model perceive these images. So transformations that rotate, blur, change resolution, crop, etc, do not affect the cloak, just like the same way those operations would not change your perception of what makes a Van Gogh painting "Van Gogh."

Anyone can request a WebGlaze account for FREE, just send an Email or a DM to the official Glaze Project accounts on X and Instagram, they reply within a few days. Be sure to provide a link to your art acc (anywhere) so they know you're an artist.

Please don't be fooled by those colorful and bright overlays to just download and put on your art: it won't work against AI training. Protect your art with REAL Glaze please πŸ™πŸ» WebGlaze is SUPER FAST, you upload the artwork and they send it back to you within five minutes, and the effect is barely visible!

Official Glaze Project website | Glaze FAQs | about WebGlaze


Asked directly to the Glaze team and got further confirmation those don't work!


If you can't pay for IbiSpaint subscription, Glaze, Webglaze and Nightshade are free! Check out Glaze's website if your PC can get Glaze and/or Nightshade installed, or else you can request a Glaze account!

Cara has a webGlaze integrated but right now it doesn't work because the whole app is being overflowed πŸ™πŸ»


something about the way my extremely reactive dangerous patient today is wearing a pride collar...


diversity win! this bite risk is GAY! 🏳️‍🌈



obsessed with the possibility that i could've been referring to a human patient who wore a pride collar to the hospital. they're just really method about their pup play


with the biting, and all

OP I need you to know that until the clarification tags I was 100% assuming it was a human and you worked in a psych ward πŸ˜…

the thing about the way people go on and on about how smut and shipping ruins the ability to think about character or worldbuilding or whatever, is that this is inherently a skill issue. nothing better to tell you about a character and their most important internal neuroses (personal, social, cultural) than discovering how they like to fuck and who they want to fuck and the why of it all. such complainants should, rly speaking, read better smut.

literally the first attempt my oc Nigel is poorly bullshitting his way thu life and everyone is just too silly to notice xD