idk man, I just live here... (Posts tagged crow demon)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

miss-twila asked:

4, 5 and 10 please? :3

4. favorite thing to draw?

My crow demon-sona. My character, my rules. Also monster hands and feet :3c


5. least favorite thing to draw?

Probably industrial/mechanical objects like cars and bicycles, and cityscapes in general. I don’t care for it, so I never practice it, so naturally it still looks shit.

10. how many different sketches do you usually have until your piece is finished?

I usually just work on the one sketch and then tweak it a bit. That’s my standard lazy workflow. These days I often decide what I’m gonna work on before I’ve even touched the tablet. For comics I do 2 passes, one rough composition and one tie-down, but sometimes I re-do the tie-down poses 2-3 times over.

ask miss-twila art tag crow demon anthro

Anonymous asked:

Number 8 & 23?

8 is already answered. But I’ll dig up an old practice thingy that I don’t think ever saw the light of day…


23. what’s something you hope people notice when looking at your art?

Probably the character acting. If it’s a comic I also hope they appreciate the compositions. But the what’s most important to me is that the character is presented in a way that feels authentic to the viewer/reader.

ask art tag crow demon crowsona

Anonymous asked:

so lookin at the old crow demon stuff, it says the combat form magically condensces feathers into keratin, do they only form into claws or could a crow learn to make blades or use hardened feathers like throwing knives, or even just harden all there feathers to form a full carapace

Absolutely, that’s exactly how they fight. Not so much a full carapace, they can’t melt them all together, but their back-feathers grow exceptionally long in war-form and they can indeed be shot out from their bodies like giant porcupine-quills (even tho porcupines can’t actually do that but u know what I mean :p )

In the more humanoid shapes they do occasionally use their feathers like throwing knives, but it does require some practice to aim properly.

Void-feathers (which is what they’re called when in their hardened shape with their vantablack color) that have broken (or shot) off during combat are often used as weapons, mostly daggers or spears. It is considered a great honor and sign of trust to be gifted such a weapon BY a crow-demon, as only a void-feather is reliably capable of breaking though their war-form’s armor.

I should point out that they can’t control the shape, it cannot be forged. It’s more like finding a cool stick or rock; if it’s got a decent shape you keep it xD

neat no one's ever really asked about my crow demons crow demon tbf I don't really use them for much it's just some lore/world-building for my 'sona Crow demons have absolute black feather don't tell Anish Kapoor fun fact: they don't fly during the day because they would be almost immediately cooked by the heatstroke

gharashambles asked:

Heya Doodles! Do you think Regis would get along with your crow demon well? I was just thinking of him seeing them for the first time and having big eye sparkles as if his whole existence led to THIS MOMENT, The Ultimate Corvid ExperienceTM

Eventually yes. But at first it would def be the other way around. Crow is wary of ALL strangers, but she would be intrigued by his soft tone of voice and his kindness toward corvids. She’d crush on him so hard! She’d try to spy on him and learn more about this strange person, who walks unafraid in the deep woods. Of course, you can’t really sneak up on a Higher Vampire…


Crow would even try to transform into her raven form to see if she could get away with following him more closely (dum dee dum I’m just another bird plz talk to me) - but sensing higher cognitive function in that particular bird he would just address her directly “I know you are not really a bird, my dear.” He’d maybe even assume she was a mage or sorceress’ familiar for a while and be wary of her intentions.

They’d be besties eventually though, when Regis gets tired of having someone follow him so brazenly. He’d introduce himself and they’d have a lot of fun learning of each others’ species…

What you might not expect is how close she’d end up being with Dettlaff. They’d be much more wary of one another in the beginning, but with Dett’s natural ability to tame/soothe wild things and being a bit wild himself he’d be the only one who could successfully calm her down when she gets triggered into her completely feral war-form. Not only because he’d be the only one strong enough (a crow demon’s war-form is comparable to Dett’s final form in terms of power and blind rage) to survive it, but also, he understands her in this state and can use his mind to calm hers.


He finds her refreshingly feral and she finds him surprisingly safe and sturdy. She knows he won’t judge her or take it personally if she accidentally hurts him.

They’d all be like family eventually, but there’s be quite a bit of cautious dancing around one another before they realize how much they have in common :)

gharashambles emiel regis emiel regis rohellec terzieff-godefroy dettlaff dettlaff van der eretein blood i think you realize now why this ask took a while crow demon art tag the raven sees you peepin on her man Crow

Crow Demonsona art evolution 2016(SAI) vs 2020(CSP)

In terms of skill I’ve clearly both lost and gained some ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

But the 2020 ones are done in CSP, which I only picked up a couple of weeks ago, so perhaps I shouldn’t be too harsh on myself just yet.

art tag crow demon face has improved but i'm not as daring with colour these days and I hate that im laughing at how i started out with clothes and then just went f*cc it naked birb ppl anthro

I just played Sea of Solitude (you know, that EA-produced game that totally stole my fursona, like srsly it’s eerie both in design and symbolism)…


Of course a game where I basically control my own ‘sona and explore and go through an emotional journey… I HAD to preorder it back when.

I’m still decompressing, but I’ll make a post/review of it soon.

sea of solitude games anthro crow demon WHERE'S MY MONEY EA??!

seelcudoom asked:

you crow demons both really cool and cute and a big inspiration for two of my pathfidner characters who are varying levels of crow

Aww, thank you so much for telling me. Made my day. I keep thinking people don’t care about them.❤❤❤

My crow demons (also formally known as “Korakki”) are heavily inspired by the World of Darkness’ multiple forms (and yes I even had a Corax character) as well as Greek harpies (the original ones that had winged arms, not just extra ones)

Mix in some emotion-based magic and actual dreadravens (but hella bigger) from World of Warcraft and you’re all set 👍

art tag crow demon my dumb birbsona seelcudoom