Dance at the Lille Opera

Contemporary dance has played a leading role at the Lille Opera—a role firmly linked to artistic creation—since its reopening in 2003.

b.c, janvier 1945, fontainebleau, Rizzo (2007-07) by Christian RizzoOpéra de Lille

An overview of contemporary dance

Ever since the Lille Opera's reopening in December 2003, dance has played a major role here: Each season, the program reflects today's big esthetic trends, with major stagings by Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Sasha Waltz, Jiří Kylián, Trisha Brown, Maguy Marin, Merce Cunningham, and William Forsythe. The Lille Opera also supports creativity through its artistic residencies, thereby putting into practice the institution's aspiration to work harder at establishing a close lin

Comment dire ici ?, Rizzo (2008-11) by Christian RizzoOpéra de Lille

Christian Rizzo

In residence at the Lille Opera from 2007 through 2012, choreographer and visual artist Christian Rizzo focuses on creating tension between bodies and the scenographic spaces in which they perform. His works have an unexpected visual power, revealing poetic and fictional landscapes.

Mon amour, Rizzo (2008-02/2008-03) by Christian RizzoOpéra de Lille

Mon Amour, 2008

Like a kind of mechanical ballet, Mon Amour is an encounter between seven dancers—wearing costumes that are half sportswear and half Victorian—and seven spheres which are digitally guided across the stage. Three musicians—Gérôme Nox, Bruno Chevillon, and Didier Ambact—and a singer complete this moving tableau, designed as an artificial, cosmic architecture.

Mon amour, Rizzo (2008-02/2008-03) by Christian RizzoOpéra de Lille

Mon amour, Rizzo (2008-02/2008-03) by Christian RizzoOpéra de Lille

L'oubli, toucher du bois., Rizzo (2010-02) by Christian RizzoOpéra de Lille

L'oubli, Toucher du Bois, 2010

With L’oubli, Toucher du Bois, Christian Rizzo questions the presence of bodies in an enclosed space, the walls of which are formed of raw materials and act as surfaces for light and sound to echo off. He entrusted the musical composition to Sylvain Chauveau, whose piano is combined with discrete electronic touches.

L'oubli, toucher du bois., Rizzo (2010-02) by Christian RizzoOpéra de Lille

L'oubli, toucher du bois., Rizzo (2010-02) by Christian RizzoOpéra de Lille

Le bénéfice du doute., Rizzo (2012-01) by Christian RizzoOpéra de Lille

Le Bénéfice du Doute, 2012

Le bénéfice du doute., Rizzo (2012-01) by Christian RizzoOpéra de Lille

Le bénéfice du doute., Rizzo (2012-01) by Christian RizzoOpéra de Lille

Being Together Without Any Voice, Linehan (2010) by Daniel LinehanOpéra de Lille

Daniel Linehan

Choreographer in residence from 2013 through 2015, Daniel Linehan seeks to softly blur the boundaries separating dance from everything else. He approaches creativity from the perspective of a curious amateur, testing out the many interactions between dance and forms of non-dance, seeking out unlikely convergences, juxtapositions, and parallels between texts, movements, images, songs, videos, and rhythms.

The Karaoke Dialogues, Linehan (2014-05) by Daniel LinehanOpéra de Lille

The Karaoke Dialogs

In The Karaoke Dialogs, Daniel Linehan applies the principles of karaoke to great classics of literature and philosophy. Each dancer moves back and forth, split between their individual approach to the textual scores and the group dynamics of collective choreography.

The Karaoke Dialogues, Linehan (2014-05) by Daniel LinehanOpéra de Lille

The Karaoke Dialogues, Linehan (2014-05) by Daniel LinehanOpéra de Lille

dbddbb, Daniel Linehan (2015-11) by Daniel LinehanOpéra de Lille

dbddbb, 2015

dbddbb features five dancers moving at the same pace, each in relation to the others, and reciting sound poems in rhythm. Here, Daniel Linehan is interested in the rhythm of their steps and slogans, which are replaced by Dadaist poems, to create a form of choreography in perpetual progress, "a polyrhythmic sound landscape produced live on stage."

dbddbb, Daniel Linehan (2015-11) by Daniel LinehanOpéra de Lille

dbddbb, Daniel Linehan (2015-11) by Daniel LinehanOpéra de Lille

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