Stage professions

The Lille Opera is made up of dozens of professions, all of which contribute to the success of the shows and the enjoyment of the public. Discover the Opera's professions!

Opéra de Lille

Stage professions

PROjecteur Métier - Conductor by Collectif des Routes - Opéra de LilleOpéra de Lille

Orchestra conductor

She conducts the orchestra and is responsible for the overall preparation of the opera.
She directs the singers and chorus, and coordinates everything with the staging.

PROjecteur Métier - Lyric artist by Collectif des Routes - Opéra de LilleOpéra de Lille

Lyric artist

She's in the spotlight! Her job is to perform on stage in concerts of all shapes and sizes: in small groups for chamber music, or as part of a large artistic team for opera productions.

PROjecteur Métier - Opera Chorus artist by Collectif des Routes - Opéra de LilleOpéra de Lille

Artist of the Opera Chorus

He sings in the Opera's operatic productions, in concerts given by the Choir in Lille and the region, and takes part in outreach activities.

PROjecteur Métier - Pianist with the Opera Chorus by Collectif des Routes - Opéra de LilleOpéra de Lille

Pianist with the Opera Chorus

He accompanies the choir on opera rehearsals, concerts and tours.

PROjecteur Métier - Singing leader by Collectif des Routes - Opéra de LilleOpéra de Lille

Singing leader

By turns "one-man band", vocal coach and conductor's ears.

PROjecteur Métier - Composer and guitarist by Collectif des Routes - Opéra de LilleOpéra de Lille

Composer and guitarist

His aim ? To put music at the service of a show.

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