Bringing the Lille Opera to Life

From rebroadcasts to open days and family concerts, every season is a new opportunity to encourage the public to enjoy colorful, celebratory events!

Happy Day Pêcheurs d'aventures (2020-02)Opéra de Lille

Sharing the culture of song

Being open for everyone and attracting new audiences are top priorities for the Lille Opera. Each new season is therefore an opportunity to put on brand-new events with the aim of pulling in new audiences of all ages and backgrounds.

Happy Day Viva Nabucco! (2018-05)Opéra de Lille

Happy Days! 

Launched alongside the reopening in 2003, Happy Days has become a mainstay of the Lille Opera's calendar. Every season, 15,000 people experience the Lille Opera through these three open doors events, which take place in a celebratory atmosphere, with musicians, singers, videographers, visual artists, and more, filling the building from the front steps to the balcony.

Happy Day Pêcheurs d'aventures (2020-02)Opéra de Lille

Visits of the main stage offer visitors an immersive look at the opera sets.

Fanfares by Frédéric IovinoOpéra de Lille

Happy Days are also an opportunity to liven up the Place du Théâtre with brass bands.

Big Bang Happy Days des enfants, 2017 (2017-11)Opéra de Lille

What about the children?

There's a Happy Day event specially designed for kids every season, featuring the Zonzo company and Europe's Big Bang network. Over the space of two days, the Lille Opera is overrun by an explosion of music as the young and the not so young excitedly explore the opera house!

Big Bang Happy Days des enfants, 2017 (2017-11)Opéra de Lille

The drawing table is always a big hit with the little ones.

Big Bang Happy Days des enfants, 2018 (2018-11)Opéra de Lille

Balloons, video mapping and zany masks amaze the young - and not so young - visitors.

Big Bang Happy Days des enfants, 2019 (2019-11)Opéra de Lille

Each edition offers fun concerts dedicated to composers such as Henry Purcell, Thelonious Monk and Miles Davis.

Nabucco live (2018-05)Opéra de Lille

Live opera

For 10 years, the Lille Opera has been offering the population of the entire Hauts-de-France region the chance to enjoy some of the best known operatic works free of charge with a program of rebroadcasts live on the big screen. Whether it's in a barn, a church, a heritage building, a sports venue, a theater, or out in the open air, such as in the Theater Square in Lille, this popular event is attended by as many as 10,000 people.

Nabucco live à Bailleul (2018-05)Opéra de Lille

The live opera is offered every year in about twenty places in the Hauts-de-France. Here, at the Établissement Public de Santé Mentale in Bailleul.

The Magic Flute live, Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Lille (2019-05)Opéra de Lille

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Lille, next door to the Opera, welcomed the audience for the Magic Flute live.

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