Adulthood Is Okay, I Guess. (Posts tagged bisexuality)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

“My gorgeous fiancé actually talks to me, she loves cuddles and affection, and we can enjoy things like shopping together! Sure some men can provide that, but they are even harder to find. We can just gaze into each other’s eyes for hours, it is always making love and never just sex, and we aren’t afraid to cry together; it is just another level. This is why I am urging all bi women, to not give up and settle for a man - a woman is worth the wait and the painstaking search. Make sure you at least try out a proper relationship with a girl, as you don’t know what you’re missing.”



I want to start screaming but I’m afraid if I do that I won’t be able to stop.

lgbt bisexual bierasure bisexuality lgbtqia+

David Bowie - Interview - Afternoon plus - 1979  [x]


Not much has changed in the way people treat bisexuality smh


“are you bisexual” “yes” “i’m not sure i understand” “I’m bisexual” “what do you mean” “ThAT I AM BISEXUAL”


“okay, you say you’re bisexual but aren’t you really pan?”

Source: coffeestainedx
bisexual bisexuality

I’m not a former lesbian, I’m a bisexual woman. 

Bisexual women discuss their long-term relationships with men.

The nurse comes in to do my examination and tells me in a sly voice “I guess we can cross the BISEXUAL off your chart, can’t we?”

I admittedly feel insecure about dating men and not being “queer enough” to hang.

#Bisexual Women#

Several close friends of mine were like, “oh yeah, you are a dyke, just come out,” and others were like “maybe you are not really GAY.”

My mother-in-law keeps insisting to my husband that he shouldn’t be involved with me because I will inevitably cheat on him. 

This whole piece of my identity, and relationships that mattered to me, are being treated liked ghosts. Not even ghosts. More like something that never existed. 


If you want to read this article instead of being linked to a shitty gross spamming dating site linked in the “#Bisexual Women#” link above, you can check it out here.

bisexuality bisexual lgbtqia+ lgbt lgbtq