Analytics Retention

The Analytics Retention page provides a visualization of the retention of Installs, RPU (Revenue Per User), Revenue, and events for a selected time frame.

Analytics Interface

  1. Log in to Kochava.
  2. Select the desired Account and App.
  3. Select Analytics > Retention.

Analytics Page Tools

For more information about the tools that can be used on the Analytics page such as date range, filters, sharing the page and exporting device ID, refer to our Analytics Page Tools support documentation.


Filters can be used to further refine, organize and visualize the displayed data in a method that is most beneficial. Multiple filters can be added and saved for later use.

  1. Click Add Filter.
  2. Added filters may be inclusive or exclusive. Select from the following filters categories:

    1. App — Based on the available apps within account.
    2. Campaign — Based on campaign naming conventions.
    3. Device — Based on user agent.
    4. Events — Based on Standard or Custom events.
    5. Location — Based on IP address.
    6. Attribution — Based on attributed installs and campaign attribution settings.
    7. Agency — Based on the available apps within the agency account.
    8. Traffic Verification — Based on Traffic success or failure.


    Once the filter category has been selected, one or more values may be added per filter. Filters can be saved and reapplied within any of the Analytics pages.

  3. Select the Filter drop-down menu, Select desired Filter.
  4. Add desired values.
  5. Click “X” to remove Filter.


A. Filters
B. Click “+” to add metric
C. Click “X” to remove metric
D. Click “X” to remove Filter and associated Metric(s)

Save App Filters —

  1. Click the “X” to remove a value.
  2. Click “+” to add a value.
  3. Click Save View.


Selecting a Saved Filter —

  1. Select the Saved States drop-down box.
  2. Select the desired Filter Set.


A. Select the desired Filter Set

Deleting Filter Sets:

When saved Filter Sets are no longer needed, they can be deleted.

WARNING: Analytics filters are also used to generate dynamic Audience Export reports, if a filter that is used to create an Audience Export report is deleted an error will be generated when the report is pulled. Before deleting a filter, verify that the filter is not used to pull a report.

  1. Select the Saved States drop-down box.
  2. Select the desired Filter Set.
  3. Click “X” to remove.
  4. Click Proceed.


A. Click “X” to remove

NOTE: The Cohort Date set represents the end-date used to define the retention view.

Retention Chart Overview

The Retention chart is divided into 2 main sections, the dates within the selected time interval and the graphical display of retention in either data or chart form.

Mousing over any data blocks/chart within the display will show the Date, RPU, Revenue, and Events for the specific data block or chart.

NOTE: Clicking on the mouseover data will navigate the user to the Analytics Explorer where the specific days data will be expanded.

NOTE: When leveraging Cross App functionality, the retention data for all apps within the App Name filter will be displayed. Retention data may be displayed for each app by utilizing the split by feature. For more information on viewing retention data by app, refer to the Retention Organization section. For more information about adding apps using the filter feature, refer to our Analytics Page Tools support documentation.


A. Graphic display of Retention data
B. Dates within timeframe
C. Mousover Data


NOTE: Data within the graphic display is color coordinated. The darker the color represents the higher the retention rate. The retention of each day (e.g., +1, +2, +3) is a subset of the initial install count and not a subset of the day prior.

Retention Organization

Retention data can be organized in many different ways in order to assist in the optimization of data visualization.

  1. From the Split By drop-down menu, Select one of the following:
    1. App
      1. App Id
      2. App Name
      3. App Version

      NOTE: In order to use the App split by feature, the desired apps must be added utilizing the filter feature. For more information about adding apps using the filter feature, refer to our Analytics Page Tools support documentation.

    2. Campaign
      1. Campaign
      2. Creative
      3. Segment
      4. Tracker
    3. Device
      1. Device Carrier Name
      2. Device Language
      3. Device Network Conn Type
      4. Device Orientation
      5. Device Os
      6. Device Os Version
      7. Device Type
      8. Device Version
    4. Location
      1. City
      2. Country
      3. DMA
      4. Region
      5. Zip
    5. Attribution
    6. (see iOS 14+ restrictions)

      1. Type
      2. Install Campaign
      3. Install Creative
      4. Install Matched By
      5. Install Network Name
      6. Install Site
      7. Install Tracker
      8. Matched To
      9. Matched By
      10. Network Name
      11. Network Id
      12. Network Key
      13. Partner Ad Group ID
      14. Partner Ad Group Name
      15. Partner Campaign Id
      16. Partner Campaign Name
      17. Partner Keyword
      18. Partner Platform
      19. NOTE: For more information about how the Partner fields map to SAN metadata, please refer to our SAN Networks Campaign Data Mapping support documentation.

      20. QR Code
      21. Site
    7. Agency
      1. Agency Name
      2. Agency Id
    8. Traffic Verification
      1. Traffic Verification Fail Reason
      2. Traffic Verified
  2. Locate the desired date and click the Data Expand Button.


A. Retention data organized into Campaigns
B. Campaigns active during the selected timeframe


NOTE: Data within the graphic display is color coordinated. The darker the color represents the higher the retention rate.

Organize by Interval

The date intervals are displayed along with the Install Count for the corresponding date along the vertical axis. Date intervals can be updated by selecting one of the following:


Interval Drop-Down Menu:

  1. 1 Day
  2. 7 Days
  3. 30 Days
  4. NOTE: By default, the last fully completed day will be the start date for the data within the Retention Chart.

Ten dates will be displayed in the vertical axis which correspond to the selected interval. The earliest date within the selected timeframe is displayed at the top of the list and the final date within the timeframe is displayed at the bottom of the list.


A. Interval from 1 Day to 30 Days
B. Date within the selected time interval
C. Install Count for day


The date interval is also represented along the horizontal axis at the top of the graphical display section corresponding to the selected interval (i.e., 1, 7 or 30).


A. Date + 1 = Mar 28th
B. Date + 10 = Apr 6th
C. Date +7 = Feb 3rd
D. Date +70 = Apr 6th

Data Overlay

The data that is shown within the graphic display may be updated to illustrate the different aspects of the retention within the app. The data displayed may be updated by selecting one of the following:


Data Overlay Drop-Down Menu:

  1. Revenue Per User
  2. Total Revenue
  3. Total Event Count
  4. NOTE: By default, the retained Install Count and the associated percentage are displayed. When selecting one of the available overlays, the retained Install Count will remain.



A. Percent Retained
B. Total Revenue Overlay: Install count and Revenue for day
C. Total Event Count Overlay: Install count and Events for day

Display Mode

The graphical display section can be shown in different formats. To change the format of the data displayed within the graphical display, select one of the following:


Display Mode Drop-Down Menu:

  1. Data
  2. Chart
  3. NOTE: The color indicates active users. The darker the color, the higher the number of active users.

    NOTE: The size of the hole within the donut chart indicates the selected overlay. For example, if the Total Revenue overlay is selected, the size of the hole indicates the amount of revenue. The smaller the hole, the higher the amount of revenue.

    NOTE: By default, the data within the graphic display section is shown in the Data format.


A. Display in either Data or Chart format


A. Graph in Data format
B. Graph in Chart format



Last Modified: Jan 18, 2024 at 10:38 am