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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Simple colour sketch of a wyrm, a creature resembling a dragon from a medieval bestiary with two large birdlike legs, fanlike wings, and an excessively long coiling tail. Out from the dragon's mouth like a tongue protrudes its 'head', which is the upper body and head of a humanoid creature. The wyrm is coloured in alternating bands of cream, red, orange, and slate-grey, with gaudy stripes.ALT

straight up cba designing a face once again so ignore that but i wanted to draw Revelation by copying the colours from this delightful guy. then i fucked it up a bit but who's counting

Scan of a medieval manuscript dragon, it is patterened with the same bands of cream, bluish-grey, red, and orange, with pale stripes throughout.ALT

Revelation is a wyrm with only one head, though originally it had dozens and dozens of them. it was judged responsible for causing the apocalypse, and put to death. but a single head did survive - whether by accident or on purpose it's hard to tell - and managed to re-grow a body, though it is still orders of magnitude smaller than any other wyrm and very vulnerable, not having an established burrow to help it hunt for its food. it lives as far from any settlements or civilisations as it can manage, well aware that its discovery by anyone - monster or human - would likely draw vengeful mobs looking to end its life for good.