


表現主義粵拼biu2 jin6 zyu2 ji3英文expressionism)係廿世紀初起源於德國嘅一場現代主義藝術運動。表現主義嘅核心諗頭係強調以主觀嘅角度描繪世界,而唔追求客觀噉描繪世界,所以好多時會用極端嘅情感表現,務求令讀者或者觀眾喺情緒上受到件作品感染[1][2],好似係表現主義嘅噉,就具有以下嘅特徵[3][4]

  • 會扭曲現實,畫起嘢上嚟唔追求要畫作似實物-呢點同(好多時重視盡可能噉畫得似實物)嘅傳統歐洲畫藝成強烈對比;
  • 喺用色上大膽,一幅畫作裏面有對比好強好刺眼嘅多種顏色
  • 將物件嘅某啲特徵誇大,追求加強情緒效果。

挪威畫家孟克挪威文:Edvard Munch)喺 1893 年畫嘅作品《吶喊》(德文Der Schrei der Natur,意思係「大自然嘅吶喊」)為例。吶喊廣泛噉俾人認為係表現主義嘅代表作之一,幅畫用咗極度扭曲嘅線條,色彩上好唔似自然景物,而且幅畫嘅主角特徵誇大(身體有誇張、唔真實嘅扭曲),令成幅畫帶有好強烈嘅焦慮恐慌情緒[5]

表現主義喺一戰前崛起(不過亦有學者指出,德文地區嘅藝術早喺中世紀經已有表現主義嘅特徵[4])。話咁快就喺以柏林做中心嘅德國-以至成個日耳曼歐洲(包括挪威、瑞典、同奧地利等地區)-大受歡迎。打後,表現主義仲擴展咗去畫同以外嘅藝術型式當中,例子有表現主義建築(expressionist architecture)[6]




  1. Bruce Thompson, University of California, Santa Cruz, lecture on Weimar culture/Kafka'a Prague. Archived 2010-01-11 at the Wayback Machine.
  2. Chris Baldick. Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms, entry for Expressionism
  3. Victorino Tejera, 1966, pages 85,140, Art and Human Intelligence, Vision Press Limited, London.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Expressionism.
  5. Olson, Donald W.; Russell L. Doescher; Marilynn S. Olson (May 2005). "The Blood-Red Sky of the Scream". APS News. American Physical Society, 13 (5).
  6. Gombrich, E.H. (1995). The Story of Art (16. ed. (rev., expanded and redesigned). ed.). London: Phaidon. pp. 563–568.
  7. Garzanti, Aldo (1974) [1972]. Enciclopedia Garzanti della letteratura (in Italian). Milan: Guido Villa. p. 963. page 241.


  • Antonín Matějček cited in Gordon, Donald E. (1987). Expressionism: Art and Idea. New Haven: Yale University Press. ISBN 9780300033106
  • Jonah F. Mitchell (Berlin, 2003). Doctoral thesis. Expressionism between Western modernism and Teutonic Sonderweg. Courtesy of the author.
  • Friedrich Nietzsche (1872). The Birth of Tragedy Out of The Spirit of Music. Trans. Clifton P. Fadiman. New York: Dover, 1995. ISBN 0-486-28515-4.
  • Judith Bookbinder, Boston modern: figurative expressionism as alternative modernism, (Durham, N.H.: University of New Hampshire Press; Hanover: University Press of New England, ©2005.) ISBN 1-58465-488-0, ISBN 978-1-58465-488-9
  • Bram Dijkstra, American expressionism: art and social change, 1920–1950, (New York: H.N. Abrams, in association with the Columbus Museum of Art, 2003.) ISBN 0-8109-4231-3, ISBN 978-0-8109-4231-8
  • Ditmar Elger Expressionism - A Revolution in German Art. ISBN 978-3-8228-3194-6
  • Paul Schimmel and Judith E Stein, The Figurative fifties: New York figurative expressionism, The Other Tradition (Newport Beach, California: Newport Harbor Art Museum: New York: Rizzoli, 1988.) ISBN 978-0-8478-0942-4 ISBN 978-0-91749312-6
  • Marika Herskovic, American Abstract and Figurative Expressionism: Style Is Timely Art Is Timeless (New York School Press, 2009.) ISBN 978-0-9677994-2-1.
  • Lakatos Gabriela Luciana, Expressionism Today, University of Art and Design Cluj Napoca, 2011.
