fundraising for a sliver of stability

hi, me, m @bitternanami, and variable @tinypuffballofanger have been barely treading water here at home for a few months. to summarize:

  • i almost definitely have a spinal fluid leak and have had it for over two years but this is the first time i’ve gotten a neurologist to do anything about it. i am almost entirely bedbound
  • i probably have an autoimmune disease or chronic infection but nobody can figure out what it is
  • my knuckle is collapsed and i need to raise enough money to get a proper splint
  • i have a lot of medical bills to pay and i am being chased by the hounds
  • even though i’ve improved by leaps and bounds since my crash in october, i can still only work about 10h/wk which comes out to $300/wk which is not enough to make rent
  • snap & food bank helps but we still need help affording food too
  • i don’t need full time care, but i need enough care that vaer can’t get a job outside the house (he is streaming though !!) and there is currently no possible way to get him paid for his labor
  • m was no longer able to work the demonic conditions at sbux, we’re still looking for a new job for them
  • we’re pretty sure m has long covid that’s been causing fatigue / brain fog / memory loss, which makes finding a job that won’t be hostile to them much harder

the hope is really just to make us slightly less miserable. we are a bunch of crazy / crippled / sick / disabled / transqueer / autdhd creatures and stress makes everything a billion times more impossible than it already is. literally anything you’re able to spare will help lighten our load in ways i can’t describe in words

thank you, we love you, cat tax


[id: small grey cat loafed on the back of a couch, staring at the viewer with very big baby eyes. /end id]


My friend, it would be my privilege to love you long enough to hear you tell the same anecdotes multiple times 💚



bath time for Harry



it is ok to walk differently. it is ok to take very small steps and walk slowly and not have good balance

it’s ok when i hold on to the railings or the walls. it’s ok when i use my cane. it’s ok when i scoot around the house in an office chair, and it’s ok when i stand back up and walk slowly back to the couch because right now that’s easier

Joy, my therapist is working on an initiative that would make it so patients have to sign off on anything that's being input into their medical records. She told me about it and I was blown away because like -- YEAH? MY MEDICAL RECORD IS A BURN BOOK. Anyway I was really excited about this and I figured you would be too, lol. 🤝




Oooh, that’s so cool! Thank you for letting me know, I hope it succeeds.

Man, the amount of damage control I could have done with all the shitty doctors who put malicious shit in my files 🥲


“my medical file is a burn book” is a joke I make but it is also, in a very crucial way, NOT A JOKE AT ALL

this would be game changing.




This is called bottom watering (though the op calls it butt chugging in the video tags which is funnier) its really good for plants with soft leafs like begonias. BTW this is what op is watering them with


Look at them perk UP I love buttom watering



Plumbeous Water Redstart (Phoenicurus fuliginosus), family Muscicapidae, Gangamaya river trail, Darjeeling, WB, India

photograph by Latika Das



im always thinking about that post where someones grandma said “some people have never cleaned a bathroom and it shows” bc it does show

when i was a kid, in 2nd grade (age 7) i and some other kids made a mess in one of the bathrooms at school and the teachers instead of doing the normal canned “punishments” like having to skip lunch recess and sit still inside doing work, had us sit down with the janitors and they talked to us and the janitors explained the work they normally needed to do every day to clean the bathroom, and how what we did created extra work for them. and they took us into the bathroom and showed us what they do and how what we did made it more difficult.

and then they made us clean it all up (with help from the janitors because we were small kids and couldn’t even reach everything, we had like thrown toilet paper high up and stuff) and they were very nice about it and there was no further punishment or mention of it again

and the things i took from this experience were:

  • i never trashed any shared or public space ever again in my life, even in the smallest way
  • i developed great respect for janitors which i have kept to this day

i think there are a lot of people who could benefit from this sort of experience.

our society often has so many problems not only because we insulate some people from the implications of their actions, but also because instead of facing them with those implications, we impose outside “punishments” that are often unrelated to the original wrongdoing.

like if they had not done what they did with us, and instead had just taken away our recess and made us do something boring and unpleasant, we wouldn’t have learned what we did and we would have just learned that we need to get better at avoiding getting caught, which is generally how people respond to punishments that are divorced from explanations of how and why what you did was wrong and hurt people. if instead you confront people with those things, they will change of their own accord.

some adults out there are like full-grown children who never learned this stuff. but the solution isn’t harsh punishment like putting them in jail and mistreating them there, the solution is that people need to be sat down with the people who are harmed by their actions and then they can work together to undo the damage, and see firsthand how hard it is.

it’s transformative.


For the purposes of this chapter, the term “disabled” or “disability” shall not apply to an individual solely because that individual is a transvestite.

hey, did you know this is in the ada? (42 U.S.C. § 12208) i did not know. i don’t have anything specific to articulate about this right this second but i just thought that was interesting

ohhhh they specify literally right after it that homosexuality and bisexuality also do not count.

For the purposes of this chapter, the term “disabled” or “disability” shall not apply to an individual solely because that individual is a transvestite.

hey, did you know this is in the ada? (42 U.S.C. § 12208) i did not know. i don’t have anything specific to articulate about this right this second but i just thought that was interesting
