Yinza on Tumblr

37-year-old queer fan artist & illustrator. Huge OG FF7 nerd.


Another commission for @reslari, this time of Sister Friede as an Elden Lord!

[Image Description: A digital portrait painting of Sister Friede from Dark Souls 3. She wears her hood down and is shown from a ¾ angle, her burn scars turned away from the viewer. A gold crown of twisted metal sits atop her head, and she wears a serious expression. The colors are muted, save for the purple of her eyes. /end ID]


Hello, friend.

[Image Description: A colored digital sketch of a dragon nudging a man’s shoulder. The man is slender and brown-skinned with short brown hair and a beard. He has scars across his left eye, but the other is blue. He wears a loose beige shirt and tan pants, with a draped blue cloth tucked into his belt. He looks over his shoulder at the dragon with a smile. The dragon has red scales, yellow eyes, and horns on his snout and on either side of his head. Only his head and neck are visible in the frame. /end ID]


Romancing Barret Week - Day 6: outfit swap

Barret looks pretty good in that cape, actually! I don’t think Vincent is used to showing so much skin, though.

[Image Description: Digital artwork of Barret Wallace and Vincent Valentine wearing each other’s OG outfits. Barret has his arm slung around Vincent’s shoulders as he grins at him. Vincent returns the look uncertainly, tugging at the vest with his right hand. Top surgery scars are visible on his bare chest. /end ID]

A commission for @reslari of her excellent crossover ship between these two badass ladies whom I admittedly had never heard of before but like… I’m here for it.
[Image Description: Digital artwork of Sister Friede from Dark Souls 3 and Malenia from...

A commission for @reslari of her excellent crossover ship between these two badass ladies whom I admittedly had never heard of before but like… I’m here for it.

[Image Description: Digital artwork of Sister Friede from Dark Souls 3 and Malenia from Elden Ring, shown from about the thighs up. Malenia wears her full outfit and winged helm, while Friede is without her hood, revealing the burn scars on her face. Malenia is slightly hunched, her left arm held protectively against her middle as though she’s been injured, while she has her right arm slung over the much shorter Friede’s shoulder. Friede has her left arm around Malenia’s waist to support her and her right hand touches Malenia’s. She is glaring murderously ahead of them, and the pair is ringed in black flame. /end ID]

Patreon reward of Barret and Reeve working some late nights together planning Edge.
[Image Description: Digital artwork of Barret and Reeve, shown from the waist up seated at a table covered in papers and books. Barret holds a book open in front of...

Patreon reward of Barret and Reeve working some late nights together planning Edge.

[Image Description: Digital artwork of Barret and Reeve, shown from the waist up seated at a table covered in papers and books. Barret holds a book open in front of him with his prosthetic metal hand, but his head is turned to smile fondly at Reeve, who has fallen asleep with his head leaning against Barret’s shoulder. Reeve holds a pen loosely in his right hand, and his jacket is open, his tie loosened. The scene is dark, lit by an electric lantern set on the corner of the table. /end ID]

FFVII Rare Pair Week - Day 3: Self Care
I support mom ships. Let them mom together.
[Image Description: Digital artwork of Ifalna and Elmyra Gainsborough bathing together. Elmyra is leaning back against the end of the tub, her left arm resting on the...

FFVII Rare Pair Week - Day 3: Self Care

I support mom ships. Let them mom together.

[Image Description: Digital artwork of Ifalna and Elmyra Gainsborough bathing together. Elmyra is leaning back against the end of the tub, her left arm resting on the side and her right arm reaching around Ifalna. Her hair is half tied up in a bun. Ifalna sits in front of her, leaning back against her. Her right hand is lifted to touch Elmyra’s, and she is looking back over her shoulder to smile at her. Elmyra’s face is close, but her expression can’t be seen. Light comes in through a window on the far side of the tub. A plant sits on the edge nearby, while some yellow lilies are blurred in the foreground. /end ID]

Another crosscanon ship for an RP buddy!
[Image Description: Digital artwork of Tsukuyo from Gintama and Zoro from One Piece, shown seated together from about the waist up. Zoro has his right arm draped over Tsukuyo’s shoulder, and she leans back...

Another crosscanon ship for an RP buddy!

[Image Description: Digital artwork of Tsukuyo from Gintama and Zoro from One Piece, shown seated together from about the waist up. Zoro has his right arm draped over Tsukuyo’s shoulder, and she leans back against him, her right hand lifted to hold his forearm. They each look away from each other with faint frowns. /end ID]

Some Vinti for @iamjessicajj!
I’m betting the other guy looks a lot worse…
[Image Description: Digital artwork of Vincent and Tifa, shown from the chest up. Tifa has a bloody nose and split lip, her bangs mussed, and she is glaring at something...

Some Vinti for @iamjessicajj!

I’m betting the other guy looks a lot worse…

[Image Description: Digital artwork of Vincent and Tifa, shown from the chest up. Tifa has a bloody nose and split lip, her bangs mussed, and she is glaring at something off-screen. Vincent has his back slightly towards the viewer, and his expression is more neutral, his brow faintly furrowed. He holds Tifa’s cheek in his claw as he lifts a cloth towards her face to clean the blood. /end ID]

@gwiggs‘ OC Pelt!
[Image Description: Digital artwork of a man sitting and whittling. He is light-skinned with a thick, muscular build, body hair, and numerous scars on his exposed skin. He is wall-eyed with a large nose, long brown hair, and a thick...

@gwiggs‘ OC Pelt!

[Image Description: Digital artwork of a man sitting and whittling. He is light-skinned with a thick, muscular build, body hair, and numerous scars on his exposed skin. He is wall-eyed with a large nose, long brown hair, and a thick beard. He wears the pelt of a magenta tiger on his back and fashioned into a loincloth and boots. He is just beginning to carve a small piece of wood he holds in his hands. Behind him is an indistinct forest. /end ID]

Some Barret/Sephiroth for @scrawnytreedemon!
I’m filing this under “ships I’d like to get into.” I think they could really bond over their mutual desire to murder the shit out of President Shinra. Their fury is entirely justified, let them work out...

Some Barret/Sephiroth for @scrawnytreedemon!

I’m filing this under “ships I’d like to get into.” I think they could really bond over their mutual desire to murder the shit out of President Shinra. Their fury is entirely justified, let them work out how to channel it together.

[Image Description: Digital artwork of Barret and Sephiroth, shown from the shoulders up. They stand close, facing each other. Barret has a lock of Sephiroth’s hair held loosely in his left hand, while Sephiroth grasps Barret’s wrist with his right hand. Barret’s expression is gentle, while Sephiroth looks a little uncertain. /end ID]

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