seananmcguire Originally from the-punforgiven









Show up at work like hi boss sorry I’m late my I was helping my mother track down one specific 90s dungeon crawler for the purposes of obtaining a muffin recipe the developer hid in the files


Anyway shoutout to Stonekeep (1995)



Burnt my hand picking it up to show. Gonna wait to taste.

Taste review: Make the video game muffins oh my GOD.

These are DELICIOUS! I substituted chocolate chips for pecans because its what i had on hand.

It tastes like a pumpkin gingerbread cake! Great treat for fall and winter!


Definitely make these!

Text from recipe

Tim Cain’s Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Muffins – They’re the shadow king’s favorite!

  • 1 and 2/3 cup flour
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp cloves
  • ¼ tsp baking powder
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup chocolate chips
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp nutmeg
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 1 cup pumpkin (half of a 16 oz can)
  • ½ cup (one stick) butter, melted

preheat oven to 350. grease muffin tins (one dozen regular size) or use baking cups. mix flour, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a large bowl. Break eggs into another bowl. add pumpkin and butter and whisk until blended. stir in chocolate chips. pour over dry ingredients and stir until just blended. do NOT overstir! scoop batter into tins and bake 20-25 minutes. after cooling, keep muffins wrapped in plastic to avoid drying.

I’m sure people have pointed it out already, but

Tim Cain is one of the creators of Fallout

and he is an overall delight

yamneko Originally from yamneko


Made a packing list and didn’t put shampoo/conditioner on it.


These last two days I keep going “oh! And I need this too!”

Feels like im packing half my house up but tbf it’s daily use items/things I will need within a week but man.

rainedragon Originally from rainedragon


Banana (for Scale)

Shopping online can be a struggle. I know I personally am particularly bad at figuring out how big something is or isn’t from the photos and/or measurements, and so many lolita items have to be bought online because in person sales are so rare. This past weekend I attended Fanime in California and had the luxery of being able to see a bunch of things in person to see their actual size. Now, I’m…


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seananmcguire Originally from ariaste




So listen i have this book coming out in uhhh 10 days and I am Worried about it, because it is a Comedy, and comedy is really hard to market (why????? it’s funny pirates, what’s not to like??) even when it is, yanno, normal mainstream comedy.

It is even worse when it is Unhinged Comedy That’s Mostly Going To Be Funny To People On Tumblr. (For example, the main character being a supreme gremlin made of 90% memes by weight (examples: carries around a bag that is never called anything but his “little rucksack”; has a near-verbatim “stick me legy out real far” moment; talks about his metaphorical “orphan gruel bowl” which is a direct reference to that one Oliver Twist gif) because those are funny to me personally.) Unhinged Tumblr Comedy is difficult because tumblr is not a platform where it is easy to market things to people, because we are generally violently anti-capitalist and LOATHE advertisements and reflexively resist being marketed to for most anything. I LOVE that about this website.

Except for right now, because I have bills to pay and a cat to feed. So look, fellow tumblr gremlins, I am just trying to say that if your personal brand of comedy is laughing at the kind of jokes that could only be produced on this hell website, and:

  • you like pirates
  • you’re queer and want to read more books by queer authors
  • you want your fictional queer characters to be a hell of a lot more Messy and Unhinged than they often are depicted as being
  • you’re interested in seeing a love triangle (M/M/NB) that resolves into polyamory
  • you want books where the hottest character gets to makes Passionate Speeches about rebelling against oppressive institutional regimes like governments and organized religions
  • you believe that capitalism is the most oppressive institutional regime of them all
  • you think it’s fun when two characters have been in a 15-year-long relationship where the vibes have been “We’re Newly Divorced” nearly since day one
  • you believe that All Cops Are Bastards and want to know what to do when you get pulled over by the boat cops
  • you think the Great British Bake-Off would be improved with weaponry, ritualized bribery/coercion of judges, and elaborate shit-talk

then this book might be for you. Beneath the wall-to-wall hijinks, it is political and it is righteously angry and it is the funniest thing I have ever written (which is saying something, because I have written some funny shit). It’s called RUNNING CLOSE TO THE WIND. Here’s a picture of it.


If all that sounds cool, you can read a review of it here and the first chapter of it here to see if it as funny as I am claiming it is, and then if you think that it is, you can preorder it here. It comes out on June 11! Ten days from now!

Thank you for letting me market to you for a minute. Signal boosting would be very much appreciated.

I manage to get an eARC of this book (highlight of my year) and can confirm it is absurdly funny. I was half worried my neighbors would call in a noise complaint with how hard I was laughing. Also if you are a fancy books™️ person like myself the broken bonding has a BEAUTIFUL signed edition with painted edges, foiling, the works

Good news: this book IS one of the funniest books I’ve ever read. Comedy is Hard but THIS BOOK is pure comedy. (With a side of horny and heart)

unpretty Originally from ali3nboyfriend


super curious about something because i didn’t realize it wasn’t a universal thing until my partner said something about it

do you put butter on your rice

yes, and i am from the US south

no, and i am from the US south

yes, and i am not from the US south

no, and i am not from the US south

i don’t eat rice/i’m bald/any other nuanced answer

See Results

reblog for sample size etc



Writing advice from my uni teachers:

  • If your dialog feels flat, rewrite the scene pretending the characters cannot at any cost say exactly what they mean. No one says “I’m mad” but they can say it in 100 other ways.
  • Wrote a chapter but you dislike it? Rewrite it again from memory. That way you’re only remembering the main parts and can fill in extra details. My teacher who was a playwright literally writes every single script twice because of this.
  • Don’t overuse metaphors, or they lose their potency. Limit yourself.
  • Before you write your novel, write a page of anything from your characters POV so you can get their voice right. Do this for every main character introduced.

This is legit good writing advice, especially the first bullet point! In playwriting class we did a bit where every bit of dialogue had to be an accusatory question and it was glorious.