Just an Ace Eddie Diaz Fanboy

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Tease (More than a) Tidbit Tuesday - Polyfire

Hello all! Today’s tidbit comes from the upcoming chapter 9 of You’re the Two. The rough draft is done, but this is the biggest single chapter so far (5000 words and counting) and polishing it has been a bear! That being said, enjoy some Tommy & Christopher talking/hanging outs

===== From Chapter 9 (907 words)

Their movie had long since ended, looping around to the streaming service’s loading screen. The ambient hum of electronics, coupled with the unfamiliarity of the space and the pressure of both men on him had Tommy drifting in and out of the sleep the other two currently enjoyed. One set of fingers intertwined with Buck’s, who snored lightly on his left. The thumb of his right hand lightly stroked along Eddie’s chest. He had just started to drift again when he heard the light scratchy tap of Christopher’s crutches along the hardwood. 

If the teen even acknowledged the display on the couch, he gave no indication as he rounded the corner and made his way into the kitchen. Tommy pulled himself away from the other two, gently securing Eddie against the arm of the couch since he was currently more pliable than Buck. 

When he walked into the kitchen, Christopher was sorting out a melamine plate in vibrant earth tones, a spatula, and the leftovers that they had every intention of putting up before wine and inertia had set in on the couch. Tommy didn’t know if he should offer to help. That wasn’t something that he and Eddie had talked about. He made a note to discuss that, as the last thing he wanted to do was insult or infantilize Christopher. The kid seemed capable enough though. 

Tommy waited for Christopher to move his plate to the microwave before stepping up to the counter and loading up another plate for himself. He tried to remember the last time he had to deal with a teen outside of a call. It was probably one of his nephews, though that had been years ago… before he came out. 

Christopher was well into his lasagna when Tommy sat down opposite him. “Are you going to be here more often now?”

Tommy looked up from his food. The teen wasn’t looking at him, but they were the only ones awake. “Uhh… I’d… like to be.” He distracted himself with a drink of water. 

Christopher chewed another bite. “You want to play video games with me after we eat?”

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tease tidbit tuesday polyfire fic buddietommy fic eddie diaz tommy kinard evan buckley 911 fic my fic buckeddietommyfic buddietommy polyfire buckeddietommy fic: You're the Two



a closeted gay teen from a mexican catholic family growing up in 90s el paso, texas, eddie diaz met shannon in high school and, in her, found his best friend; his soul mate.

they fake-dated, to save him from scrutiny and from danger. but shannon was the one who needed protecting... they murdered her for defending eddie; a knife gang of bigots hellbent on chaos and death, and eddie—he killed one of them in self-defence after they'd tried to take him out, too.

jailed at 18, eddie did 8 years for manslaughter at the penitentiary of new mexico where he kept his head down and his record clean, turning to god to help save his soul. when he got out, with no prospects or friends or family to turn to, he joined the church and once ordained, moved out to CA to his first parrish where he met a firefighter named bobby and struck up his first real kinship in what felt like a lifetime.

and then he met evan buckley—buck—and forever secured his place in the fiery pits of infierno...

please i need this priest!eddie x buck 1.0 buddie au eddie diaz evan 'buck' buckley

Fuck it Friday (Buddie)

I hadn’t shared anything yet this week of any of my projects, work has been rough. But I wanted to share a tease of one of my submissions for the upcoming Five Alarm Fest.

I wasn’t sure if I wanted this to be a Coda for Cursed or the After the Dry Spell prompt. I eventually opted for the latter. Basically the plot is that Buck’s still volunteered to donate for Kameron and Connor, but Eddie and Buck are secretly together at the time. so Eddie’s a bit surly at having to wait.

===== Buddie NSFW Prompt: After a Dry Spell =====

“I can see that you made it.” Eddie rests his hands on his hips. God he wants to just pin Buck to the porch column.

“No,” Buck emphasizes. “I made it. The donation.” He rises to his full height, staring into Eddie’s beautiful brown eyes. 

“You mean?” Eddie doesn’t want to sound too hopeful.

Buck nods, plumped lips spreading into his dazzling sunshine smile. “Can I come—”

He doesn’t get to finish his sentence. Eddie reaches and curls the fabric of Buck’s shirt in his fingers, forcibly pulling the other man to his lips. They crash together, stumbling back only far enough for Eddie to edge the door shut behind them. Their lips never separate as they bumble through the living room, bumping against end tables till Eddie’s pressed against and then lifted onto the console table behind his couch.

The thin wooden legs groan under their weight, him seated, Buck crushing down on him, hands scurrying along the hem of Eddie’s shirt, desperate to remove the offending fabric. He pauses for a second, pulling their lips apart. Eddie’s groan resonates through the space of their shared breaths.


“School,” Eddie pants as the fabric is ripped over his head before kissing Buck again feverishly, as if his lips contain life themselves.

Buck pulls away again. “I need to shower.”

Eddie grabs the collar of Buck’s shirt and pulls the man back against him, his voice a near feral growl. “Don’t you dare.”

buddie buddie fic fuck it friday eddie diaz evan 'buck' buckley my fic


a Buddie drabble (100 words)

Prompt: A Kiss in the Snow


Why?” Buck’s shriek echoed through the quiet park. He clawed at the hem of his shirt, desperately pulling it from his pants in an attempt to dislodge the snow deposited within. 

“I thought you liked the snow,” Eddie mused, smug and dry. 

“Out there!” He waved toward the pristine white surrounding them before tackling Eddie into a nearby snowdrift. 

The Texan shivered at the chilly impact. Buck marveled at the rosy hues of Eddie’s cheeks against the traces of green in the snow-caked hedge beside them. They kissed as delicate crystals fell around them, a perfect memory to be savored.


@buddiedrabbles, thanks for the prompt!

911 fic buddie fic buddie eddie diaz evan 'buck' buckley

I did it guys. I wrote my first Buddie fanfic.

Name: It was just a dream

Pairing: Eddie/Buck (minor Buck/Tommy)

Word count: 6.6k

Chapters: 4/4

His heart rate spikes when he feels Bucks hand on his shoulder but immediately relaxes into the touch. He doesn’t know when or why, but this has somehow become their thing. And as much as it electrifies him it also calms him down, grounds him.

“Have you heard from Chris?” Buck asks and Eddie can feel the hesitance in his voice. Eddie sighs heavily and can already feel the tears prickle behind his eyes.

“No.” he says with a shaky voice.

And when he thinks about that reality a little too long, he can’t hold back the sobs that start too escape him then.


Christopher just left for Texas. Eddie has nightmares and tries to fix himself with therapy. He realizes some things about Buck, who is still dating Tommy. And in the midst of his pain and pining, his parents call him and he has to rush to El Paso.

Please read: Before anyone is disappointed because of the minor bucktommy mention, let me reassure you. While I don't mind the ship, I'm not a fan of Tommy. Never liked him, never will. I will tolerate him for the sake of Bucks story but I just don't see him with Buck long term. So just as a general disclaimer: If the guy is in one of my fanfics it's most likely always because I'll make them break up.

For now, I just have two chapters up but I will upload the remaining two later today.

buddie 911 buddie buck and eddie buck x eddie eddie diaz edmundo diaz evan buckley 911 fanfic