

I feel like the psyops are back…

Ok let’s go over this again, for those with short memories:

The psyops work by taking (screenshotting or paraphrasing) REAL leftist takes by REAL people, (very often American POC,) generally where they are upset or discouraged about the us government or democrats specifically.

Then, the psyop either adds to the post (or in a separate post) something to direct the conversation into “things will never change” “voting does nothing” “politicians are all the same” etc.

The POINT of the psyop is to make leftists who agree with the REAL person who made the original post ALSO agree with the psyop, by conflating the two as being the same person, or at least being on the same side.

anyone who tells you not to vote is not on your side



this is my favorite exchange in all of twitter


since i mentioned abortion… i don’t see a problem with a statement “the life of the mother matters more than the life of the fetus/infant” like. there will be anti abortion people going “oh so you think her life matters more than the baby’s?!?!?!” i do actually. she has already lived outside of the womb and currently has goals and ambitions and fears and hobbies and friends and maybe a job and maybe goes to school. she has already been experiencing the world as a person. a fetus has known nothing but a life inside the womb. there are no ambitions, no fears, no hobbies, no friends, no jobs, no school, no anything for it in its current state. i do value the woman’s life more than the fetus’s simple state of being alive and i don’t find any issue with that statement. just because a fetus has the potential to become a person in the future does not mean a woman who is living life right now should be forced against her will to drop everything and restructure her entire life around pregnancy and childbirth and childrearing. what is so wrong with saying that why does it make people so mad



one last thing before pride month ends <3



I just found out the most hilariously amazing thing.



i find it very funny that we see all them roses and sparkles and mannerisms meanwhile from senshi’s pov he’s not doing anything new he’s always been like that


Senshi: i sat my white ass down and listened





Democracy is when one insane billionaire gets to decide if an entire category of people get basic dignity and rights

Now is a really good time to be able to push back on that. Feel free to ask why a woman who has denied the Holocaust has a more important voice than several hundred thousand trans people and our loved ones, and also to ask if Labour has any plans for addressing the deficiencies in LGBTQ rights in the UK reported in the UN Special Rapporteur’s dossier on this shithole nation :)

UK followers!




could you imagine trying to navigate this bar drunk, this is the 9th circle of hell

5 cocktails and an edible here 💞



Stop memorizing my attack patterns. That’s fucked up. Who let you do that.

Mother fucker. You know what? I’m entering my second phase. Have fun with the choir arrangement of my theme ass hole.




When I am president, I will abolish. There will no longer be any.

You have my

🫡 Thank you for your


if i see one more article, post, or news anchor talking about how joe biden is old, i’m putting my fist through a window. i feel like i’ve gone through the fucking looking glass.

this is project 2025, trump’s plan for what he’ll do if elected. whatever you think is in there, it’s worse. watch a breakdown of the highlights here. this man wants to unravel the fabric of our democracy for good - this all aside from his vitriolic hatred of poc, his determination to start ww3, and the fact that he can’t string a sentence together without telling outrageous and easily verifiable lies. his administration will start their crusade to exterminate trans people on day one, and they won’t stop there.

do not talk to me about how joe biden is old, as if that could ever matter to me more than my life or the lives of my friends and family. my little sister is 14, she’s trans, and i don’t know what to tell her when we talk about politics, because one of these people wants her dead and the other one is old and some of you are still acting like those problems are equals.

i can’t fucking stand this. i’m not hearing it this time, we are not repeating 2016. refusing to vote is not an act of protest, it is an act of complacency, and our most vulnerable will suffer for your negligence. vote like your life depends on it, because for some of us, it really fucking does.



When you see the news about all of the heinous Supreme Court decisions that were just made please remember that every single one is a direct result of the fact that Donald Trump was the president from 2016-2020 and Hillary Clinton was not. And there are two conservative justices who will likely retire as soon as a second Trump term begins so he can appoint younger people and enshrine conservatism on the court for another 50+ years. So. Please vote. It will at least give us a fighting chance to get our rights back sooner

If You Don’t Vote, No One Can Hear You Scream