Privacy Policy

Zilliqa Research Pte. Ltd. and its related entities ("we", "us" or "Zilliqa") recognise the importance of protecting the privacy and the rights of individuals in relation to their personal data. This privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") tells you how we will collect, use or disclose your personal data. When we refer to “our Website” or “this Website” in this notice, we mean specific webpages with a URL commencing with Please note that other sub-pages or websites that may be linked to by this Website are not governed by this Privacy Policy. We encourage visitors to review the relevant privacy policy on each of these other websites

1. Collection of your information

1.1 We may collect the following types of personal data:

  • name
  • email address
  • nationality
  • telephone contact number
  • age or birth date
  • cryptocurrency wallet address

1.2 We collect personal data directly from you unless it is unreasonable or impracticable to do so. When collecting personal data, we may collect it in various ways including:

  • through your access and use of our Website
  • through your use of our services
  • through emails, messaging applications, social media groups, forums or other file sharing means that you use to provide the personal data to us
  • when you sign up to our mailing list
  • through the use of cookies

1.3 If you do not provide us with the personal data described above, we may not be able to provide the requested services to you, either to the same standard as if you had provided the personal data or at all.

2. Purpose of Collection, Use and Disclosure

2.1 We collect, use and disclose your personal data for the following purposes:

  • to send communications as requested or consented to by you;
  • to provide you with access to certain areas of our Website;
  • to answer enquiries and provide information or advice on our services;
  • to update our records and keep your contact details up to date;
  • to process and respond to any complaints or enquiries made by you; and
  • to comply with any law, rule, regulation, lawful and binding determination, decision or direction of a regulator, or to co-operate with any governmental authority.

2.2 We will not share, sell, rent or disclose your personal data other than as described in this Privacy Policy.

3. Disclosure of Personal Data

3.1 We may disclose your personal data to:

  • our affiliates, contractors or third party services providers for the purposes set out in paragraph 2.1 and the purposes of: (a) operating our Website or business; (b) fulfilling requests by you; and (c) otherwise providing our services to you;
  • law enforcement agencies or regulatory authorities where we are required to do so by law;
  • relevant parties where it is necessary for legal proceedings; or
  • any other organisations for any authorised purpose with your express consent.

3.2 We may disclose your personal data to our affiliates, contractors or third party service providers overseas for some of the purposes listed above. If we do so, we will take steps to ensure that your personal data continues to receive a standard of protection that is at least comparable to that provided under the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 of Singapore.

4. Direct Marketing

4.1 We may send you direct marketing communications and information about our products and services that we consider may be of interest to you. These communications may be sent in various forms, including mail, SMS, fax, telephone calls and email, in accordance with applicable laws. If you indicate a preference in regards to the method of communication, we will endeavour to use that method whenever practicable to do so.

4.2 By signing up to our mailing list, you opt-in to receiving marketing communication for us. You may at any time opt-out of receiving marketing communications from us by contacting us at the details below.

5. Access and Correction

5.1 You may access or correct any personal data we hold about you at any time in accordance with your rights under applicable data protection law by contacting us at the details below. Please note that a reasonable fee may be charged for an access request. If so, we will inform you of the fee before processing your request. We do not charge for making any corrections to your personal data.

6. Retention

6.1 We may retain your personal data for as long as it is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected, or as required or permitted by applicable laws

7. Security

7.1 We take reasonable steps to ensure your personal data is protected from misuse or loss, and unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

8. Cookies and other technologies

8.1 Our Website uses “cookies” and other similar technologies to collect and store certain information. These typically involve pieces of information or code that a website transfers to or accesses from your computer hard drive or mobile device to store and sometimes track information about you. Depending on their purpose, the cookies may last only the length of a single browsing session, but in some cases, may last longer to ensure their purpose is fulfilled. Cookies help us recognise you as a unique visitor when you return to our Website and help us to better understand how visitors use our Website. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our Website and also allows us to improve our Website.

Broadly, our Website uses cookies and similar technologies for the following purposes:

  • Analytics: we use these cookies to recognise, measure and track visitors to our Website and compile a record of usage information. This allows us to understand how our Website is used to improve the way it works. For example, analytics may allow us to understand the parts of our Website of most interest to our users.
  • Usage preferences: we use some cookies to remember your preferences regarding our Website. This is designed to improve your user experience by making our Website more tailored to your needs.
  • Session management and functional purposes: the software which runs our Website relies on cookies for the internal workings of our servers. For example, we use cookies to authenticate users, determine the appropriate parts of our Website which you can access, keep track of information about your session and determine which options or pages to display.
  • Advertising: these cookies allow us (or third-parties) to monitor the behavior of users of our Website. This allows us to ensure that products and services highlighted to those individuals are targeted in a focused and relevant manner (such as through advertisements on our Website, or through third-party websites) based on your experience of our Website.

8.2 When you visit our Website, you may also receive cookies that are set by third-parties. This may include cookies set by Google, Prismic or other third-parties as may be updated from time to time. These cookies are used for the purposes described at section 8.1 above. We do not control how third-parties use these cookies, and each is individually governed by the privacy notice of each provider.

HostTypeThird-partyPrivacy notice
Prismic.ioSession management and functional purposesPrismicPrismic

8.3 You can adjust the settings in your browser in order to restrict or block cookies that are set by this Website (or any other site on the Internet). Your browser may include information on how to adjust your settings. Alternatively, you may visit to obtain comprehensive general information about cookies and how to adjust the cookie settings on various browsers. This site also explains how to delete cookies from your computer.

8.4 Please be aware that restricting cookies may impact the functionality of our Website. If you disable the cookies that we use, you will still be able to visit our Website but this may impact your experience while on our Website.

9. Contacts

If you have any questions in relation to this Privacy Policy or your personal data (including the use or storage of your personal data by Zilliqa), please contact our Data Protection Officer at:

[email protected]

10. Changes to this Privacy Policy

10.1 We may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time without any prior notice and by publishing it to our Website. Your continued use of our services and Website constitutes your acknowledgement and acceptance of such changes.

10.2 This Privacy Policy was last updated on 15 November 2021.