Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loans. If we don’t have the book you are looking for, we’ll do our best to borrow it for you from another library.

What is an Interlibrary Loan?

If you are looking for a book or microfilm that our library does not own, we will do our best to borrow it for you from another library.

Can anyone use this service?

All Waterloo Library customers with a valid library card may use this special service. This does not include online registrations. Customers must have a regular library card prior to requesting Interlibrary Loan service.

Are there restrictions on what items can be borrowed?

The following items CANNOT be borrowed through an interlibrary loan:

How long will it take to receive an Interlibrary Loan?

Waiting time varies from 2 to 6 weeks depending on the availability of the material at the lending library. Microfilm material generally takes longer.

Is there a charge to interlibrary loan an item?

No, there is no charge for doing an interlibrary loan. It is a free service.

How do I submit my Interlibrary Loan requests?

You may submit your requests in the following ways:

  • In person at any Waterloo Public Library location
  • Call 519-886-1310 x116

Request Online

Where do I pick up my Interlibrary Loan?

Once you have been notified that your Interlibrary Loan is available, you may pick it up at the branch location you have specified.

Can I renew an Interlibrary Loan?

In many cases, a 2-week extension is available.  You may do this in person, by phone (519) 886-1310 or online through your account.

If you have further questions, please contact us at [email protected] or (519) 886-1310 ext. 116.

Helpful Links

Other Libraries’ Catalogues

Membership at Waterloo Public Library is free to persons residing or owning property within the boundaries of the City of Waterloo and to persons residing in communities with whom Waterloo Public Library has reciprocal borrowing agreements (Region of Waterloo, County of Brant Public Library, Hamilton Public Library, and Guelph Public Library).

To view these libraries catalogues and collections please use the links below.

Memberships at University Libraries

Adult Community Borrowers may obtain a free library card at the University of Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier University, and the University of Guelph libraries. Please contact these libraries directly for membership information.