Wikidata:WikiProject Fashion/Items/Random notes on item structure

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Examples of item structures from other domains


history of film (Q107478)

- <instance of> aspect of history (Q17524420)
- <subclass of> media history (Q50636) (down the tree under academic discipline)
> has subclass history of film technology (Q12607578)

Early Renaissance (Q1472236)

- <instance of> art movement (Q968159)
- <part of> Renaissance (Q4692)

history of Europe (Q7787)

- <instance of> aspect of history (Q17524420)
- <subclass of> history of the world (Q200325)
> has subclasses history of [country name]

Compare these two:

art history (Q50637)

- <instance of> academic discipline
- <subclass of history>
- <subclass of social sciences

history of art (Q50641) "history of human creation of works for aesthetic, communicative, or expressive purposes"

- <instance of> aspect of history (Q17524420)
- <part of> art (Q735)
> has subclass history of architecture

Also useful:

studied by (P2579) = subject is studied by this science or domain