Wikidata:WikiCite/Wikidata lists/Usage of Template Scholia

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Gallery of Wikidata items for which some Wikipedia links to Scholia



Scholia is a tool to explore the scholarly literature, e.g. on a given topic, in a given journal or by a given author. Several wikis have started to link to Scholia profiles, usually by way of their local equivalent of Template:Scholia (Q55622789), the usage of which is being tracked via this page and its subpages as well as associated page view stats. Scholia is also routinely linked from Wikimedia Commons (both from gallery and category pages) by way of their Template:Wikidata Infobox, which contains a link to Scholia by default. Some examples of such usage can be found via this query. Other templates linking to Scholia include Template:Medical resources on the English Wikipedia.



The main usage for this is to keep track of topics for which Scholia templates have been used. TO DO: Add additional column to show which wikis use the template for this topic

Wikidata:WikiProject Source MetaData/Wikidata lists/Usage of Template Scholia/Cross-wiki

Individual wikis


The main usage for this is to keep track of which pages on a given wiki are using Scholia templates.