Wikidata:WikiCite/Wikidata lists/Author name strings matched to author items using Stated As

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Note: this list is configured for items with main subject (P921) ImageJ (Q1659584).

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT # Author of a paper with a "stated as" statement for authorship DISTINCT ?item # Sample work by the author with that "stated as" value ?pub # topic of the publication (REPLACE(STR(?topic),".*Q","Q") AS ?topicQID) # Build URL to the Author disambiguator tool (CONCAT( '[', ENCODE_FOR_URI(?authorstring), ' ',?authorstring , ']') AS ?string_resolver) # Build URL to the Author disambiguator tool (CONCAT( '[', ENCODE_FOR_URI(?topicQID), '%3B+wdt%3AP2093+%22', ENCODE_FOR_URI(?authorstring), '%22&name=', ENCODE_FOR_URI(?authorstring), ' ', ?authorstring , ']') AS ?filtered_string_resolver) # Number of works with an author name string that matches the one above ?count WITH { SELECT (COUNT(?work) AS ?count) ?authorstring ?topic WHERE { VALUES ?topic { wd:Q1659584 } ?work wdt:P2093 ?authorstring ; wdt:P921 ?topic . } GROUP BY ?authorstring ?topic } AS %result WITH { SELECT DISTINCT ?authorstring ?item (SAMPLE(?work1) AS ?pub) ?count ?topic WHERE { INCLUDE %result ?work1 p:P50 ?author_statement ; wdt:P921 ?topic . ?author_statement ps:P50 ?item . ?author_statement pq:P1932 ?authorstring . } GROUP BY ?authorstring ?item ?pub ?count ?topic } AS %stateds WHERE { INCLUDE %stateds } ORDER BY DESC(?count) LIMIT 200
# Generic author name string resolver Number of works with that string Topic-specific author name string resolver Identified author for which this author name string has been used Sample publication where the author was indicated using this specific author name string
1 Benjamin Schmid 1 Benjamin Schmid Benjamin Schmid BoneJ: Free and extensible bone image analysis in ImageJ
2 Tilman Grune Tilman Grune Tilman Grune "Cyt/Nuc", a customizable and documenting ImageJ macro for evaluation of protein distributions between cytosol and nucleus Q1659584
3 1
Michael Doube
Fabrice P Cordelières
Michael Doube
BoneJ: Free and extensible bone image analysis in ImageJ Fabrice P Cordelières
Michael Doube
4 Joen Luirink Joen Luirink 1 Joen Luirink Q1659584

∑ 4 items.

End of automatically generated list.