Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases
We coordinate and support policies and strategies to enhance global access to interventions for the prevention, control, elimination and eradication of neglected tropical diseases, including some zoonotic diseases.

The NTD road map: together towards 2030

Built on three foundational pillars that support global efforts to control, eliminate and eradicate neglected tropical diseases

New NTD Road map 2021–2030. NTDs: together towards 2030. Pillar 1.

Pillar 1

New NTD Road map 2021–2030. NTDs: together towards 2030. Pillar 1.

Pillar 2

New NTD Road map 2021–2030. NTDs: together towards 2030. Pillar 1.

Pillar 3

Change operating models and culture to facilitate country ownership: 
clarify stakeholders’ roles, understand cultures and align to reach 2030 targets
Ending NTDs: Together towards 2030

Ending NTDs: together towards 2030

New NTD Road map 2021–2030.
Access the resources


News and agenda



Global report on neglected tropical diseases 2024

Latest news

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10 June 2024 | A meta-analysis co-authored by Nobel Prize winner Professor Michael Kremer reaffirms significant positive health impacts of mass treatment with albendazole or mebendazole.

Science in 5 podcast - Dengue Fever

27 March 2024 | video (webinar). Why is Dengue fever spreading to places it did not exist before? What are the symptoms and treatments? What about vaccines? Dr Raman Velayudhan explains in Science in 5.




Technical areas of work


Beating NTDs

Department's activities

The department coordinates and supports policies and strategies to enhance global access to interventions for the prevention, control, elimination and eradication of NTDs.


NTDs and COVID-19 impact response perspectives

COVID-19 and NTDs

Across the whole spectrum of essential health services, NTD interventions have been found to be among the most frequently and most severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.



The Strategic and Technical Advisory Group for Neglected Tropical Diseases (STAG-NTD) is the principal advisory group to the WHO for the control of Neglected Tropical Diseases

Latest publications

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Target product profile for a diagnostic test to confirm cure of visceral leishmaniasis
Leishmaniasis is caused by protozoan parasites which are transmitted by the bite of infected female phlebotomine sandflies. The disease is poverty-related...
Report of the first meeting of the Global Onchocerciasis Network for Elimination: Saly, Senegal, 1-2 November 2023

More than 150 onchocerciasis partners, including national onchocerciasis coordinators from health ministries of endemic and formerly endemic countries,...

Risk communication and community engagement readiness and response toolkit: dengue fever

This toolkit is a comprehensive set of practical tools and resources designed to support country-level risk communication and community engagement (RCCE)...