Enable Encrypted Data Sharing, Analytics, and ML/AI with Vaultree's Data-In-Use Encryption

Unlock the True Value of Your Data

Enable New Possibilities

Vaultree’s Data Enablement solutions empower your organisation to harness the full potential of your data.

By ensuring secure, efficient, and compliant data collaboration, you can drive innovation and enhance decision-making without compromising security.

Unlock New Possibilities

Revolutionise Your Data Usage

Perform real-time operations on encrypted data, making previously impossible tasks a reality. Share and analyse your data confidently with seamless integration and efficiency. Our solutions empower you to securely harness and leverage your data, driving innovation

Vaultree Encrypted Data Sharing (VEDS)

Enable secure, efficient, and compliant data collaboration with multi-key encryption technology. VEDS ensures your data remains protected during sharing and analysis, fostering innovation without compromising security.
In partnership with

Secure Data Warehousing with BigQuery

Combine the power of BigQuery with Vaultree’s encryption to enable secure and scalable data warehousing and analytics. Ensure your data remains protected while performing large-scale analyses.

Secure AI & ML Data Processing

Harness the power of AI and ML with uncompromised data security. VENum/ML allows you to perform advanced data analysis while keeping your data secure and compliant with global regulations.

Key Benefits

Why Use Vaultree?

Always-encrypted data eliminates risks of accidental or hostile compromise.
Ensure GDPR and HIPAA compliance effortlessly.
Minimal performance impact with seamless integration.
Cost Savings
Reduce costs associated with data breaches and traditional encryption.
Enable real-time processing and collaboration on encrypted data.
Always-encrypted data eliminates risks of accidental or hostile compromise.
Ensure GDPR and HIPAA compliance effortlessly.
Minimal performance impact with seamless integration.
Cost Savings
Reduce costs associated with data breaches and traditional encryption.
Enable real-time processing and collaboration on encrypted data.

Our Technology Wins Awards

Our team comprises leading experts in cybersecurity, encryption, and data privacy. We have been recognised with several prestigious awards, including:

"At Vaultree, we are dedicated to revolutionising data security.
We believe data privacy is a fundamental human right, and our goal is to ensure data is always encrypted.

As pioneers in data security, we strive to set industry standards, drive global change, and create a safer digital future for all."

Tilo Weigandt & Ryan Lasmaili

Co-Founders, Vaultree

Ready to Enable Your Data to Do More for You?

Vaultree helps you access and use your data without compliance hassles. Innovate freely and focus on what you do best.