Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Cities and local policies key to overcome hunger, stresses head of UN agency

Highlighting the potential of cities to address malnutrition, the head of the United Nations food security agency has called for innovative partnerships between urban centres and wide range of stakeholders to overcome the challenge of food waste and to ensure a healthy and nutritious diet for all.

2018-04-22T11:49:49-04:0020 Oct 2017|Goal 11: Sustainable Cities, Goal 2: Zero Hunger, News|

Breastfeeding is ‘smartest investment’ families, communities and countries can make – UN

Kicking off World Breastfeeding Week, the United Nations today stressed that although breastfeeding has cognitive and health benefits for infants and mothers, investment shortcomings impede the practice.

Safe, effective family planning is key to ’empowering people, developing nations’ – UN

If the demand of women in developing countries who wanted access to safe and effective family planning was met, it would reduce an estimated 100,000 maternal death and avert 67 million unintended pregnancies, the United Nations population agency today said.

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