Unveiling of "The Best Weapon" at UN Headquarters
Unveiling of "The Best Weapon" at UN Headquarters. In the words of Nelson Mandela “The best weapon is to sit down and talk.”
Photo:UN Photo/Mark Garten

Why women matter in diplomacy

Women have been playing a crucial role in global governance since the drafting and signing of the United Nations Charter in 1945. Women and girls represent half of the world’s population and, therefore, also half of its potential. Women bring immense benefits to diplomacy. Their leadership styles, expertise and priorities broaden the scope of issues under consideration and the quality of outcomes.

Research shows that when women serve in cabinets and parliaments, they pass laws and policies that are better for ordinary people, the environment and social cohesion. Advancing measures to increase women’s participation in peace and political processes is vital to achieving women’s de facto equality in the context of entrenched discrimination.

Out of the 193 Member States of the United Nations, only 34 women serve as elected Heads of State or Government. Whilst progress has been made in many countries, the global proportion of women in other levels of political office worldwide still has far to go: 21% of the world’s ministers, 26% of national parliamentarians, and 34% of elected seats of local government. According to a new UN report, at the current pace of progress, equal representation in parliament will not be achieved until 2062.

The UN General Assembly (UNGA) is the world’s largest yearly meeting of world leaders. While the UNGA has been the setting for several historic moments for gender equality, much has yet to be achieved regarding women’s representation and participation. Just four women have been elected President of the UN General Assembly in its 77 years.

The 15-member UN Security Council has primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. While women currently represent slightly over a third of the Security Council's members — far higher than the average — it is still far from enough. Explore the participation of women at the Security Council.

Inclusive governance can result in policies that create positive change over the long term.

Women and global diplomacy

Women, as we all know, are realists, but they are also realists who, while they keep their feet on the ground, also keep their eyes on far horizons.

Global norms and standards play a key role in establishing benchmarks for the international community to abide by, and for countries to implement.

See how far women have come


Historically, diplomacy has been the preserve of men. Women have played a critical role in diplomacy for centuries, yet their contributions have often been overlooked. It's time to recognize and celebrate the ways in which women are breaking barriers and making a difference in the field of diplomacy. As of 2014, 143 countries guaranteed equality between men and women in their constitutions; another 52 countries have yet to make this important commitment. Advocating for increased representation of women in key decision-making positions will greatly shape and implement multilateral agendas.

Between 1992 and 2019, women represented 13 per cent of negotiators, 6 per cent of mediators and 6 per cent of signatories in peace processes worldwide. Gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls will also make a crucial contribution to progress across all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and targets. The systematic mainstreaming of a gender perspective in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda is crucial, especially since SDG 5 calls for women’s equal participation in decision-making. 

At the UNGA's 76th Session, the General Assembly by consensus declared the 24th of June each year to be the International Day of Women in Diplomacy. By the resolution (A/RES/76/269) the Assembly invited all Member States, United Nations organizations, non-governmental groups, academic institutions and associations of women diplomats — where they exist — to observe the Day in a manner that each considers most appropriate, including through education and public awareness-raising.

Amina Mohammed

We must all do everything possible to ensure women are at the table, our voices heard and our contributions valued.

UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed

Did you know?

  • There are 31 countries where 34 women serve as Heads of State and/or Government as of January 2023.
  • Of the five United Nations-led or co-led peace processes in 2021, two were led by women mediators, and all five consulted with civil society and were provided with gender expertise.
  • In 2022, the Security Council held its first-ever formal meeting focusing on reprisals against women participating in peace and security processes.
  • In multilateral disarmament forums, wide gaps persist in women’s participation and women remain grossly underrepresented in many weapons-related fields, including technical arms control - only 12 per cent of Ministers of Defense globally are women.
  • Countries where there are more women in legislative and executive branches of government have less defense spending and more social spending.

Source: UN Women

Drafted as "a common standard of achievement for all peoples and nations," the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) for the first time in human history spells out basic civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights that all human beings — men and women alike — should enjoy. The Declaration is a milestone document in the history of human rights, drafted by representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds from all regions of the world. Women were key contributors who played essential parts in shaping the document.

Peacebuilding processes

Women’s inclusion in peacebuilding processes is essential for long-term success. This is proven. Gender-equal participation contributes to longer and lasting peace after conflict. Susan Sebit, 32, is an accomplished lawyer and advocate for women’s participation in governance and leadership. For decades, her home country of South Sudan has been overwhelmed by conflict. Because of the tireless advocacy of leaders like Sebit, South Sudan’s peace process engaged a coalition of 40 women’s organizations in peace talks, leading to the inclusion of gender-responsive provisions in the agreement.

an abstract illustration of people engaged in an event

International days and weeks are occasions to educate the public on issues of concern, to mobilize political will and resources to address global problems, and to celebrate and reinforce achievements of humanity. The existence of international days predates the establishment of the United Nations, but the UN has embraced them as a powerful advocacy tool. We also mark other UN observances.