
UCL Faculty of Life Sciences


What is wellbeing and why should we care about it?

Your mental wellbeing is about how you're feeling right now, and how well you can cope with daily life.

Our wellbeing can change from moment to moment, day to day, or month to month. Sometimes it changes because of things that happen to us and sometimes it changes for no reason at all. It can affect the way we feel about ourselves and others, and about the things we face in our lives.

We also have physical wellbeing, which can closely interplay with our mental wellbeing. Both are equally important to maintain, and we are going to think about why it is so important that we look after both at University and in our daily lives next. 

Having good wellbeing can help you to:​

  1. Have confidence and positive self-esteem
  2. Have good relationships with others
  3. Enjoy the world around you
  4. Cope with stress and adapt when things change (resilience)
  5. ​Reduce physical health problems​

Good wellbeing doesn't mean you'll always be happy. It's normal to feel sad, angry, or low sometimes. But if you have poor wellbeing for a long time you might start to find things more difficult to cope with.

Maintaining high levels of wellbeing also contributes to success. Here at UCL, we want everyone, staff and students alike, to feel well in all areas of their lives. 

UCL’s approach to wellbeing:​

  1. UCL cares about your health and wellbeing​
  2. Your academic success and your wellbeing are of equal importance to us​
  3. Good health and wellbeing (social, physical and mental) are the foundation for academic success and a great student experience​
  4. UCL is committed to making sure that all students feel welcomed, supported and can thrive at UCL​
  5. It is everyone’s responsibility to contribute to our shared inclusive, caring and supportive UCL community​

If you ever struggle with your wellbeing or welfare for whatever reason, be it due to academic pressures, personal life, mental health or otherwise, you are welcome to meet with one of us in the Faculty of Life Sciences Wellbeing Team, your personal tutor, or our colleagues in Student Support and Wellbeing