
Ninja Shtuff

@xynczachrome / xynczachrome.tumblr.com

I gib art I'm currently involved with the Ninjago Fandom and I don't think I'll be leaving anytime soon. I also have commission open!

ok so I’ve seen a lot of people talk about the way some of people draw Jay and I wanna know talk about this a bit as well.

From what I have seen this talk is about how white and skinny some draw Jay and I wanna put something out there. Jay doesn’t have to have the same muscle mass as all the other ninja. Not all the ninja have the same genetics, and where all raised differently, those two things can really determine a person’s body. Jay was raised in a place where gaining weight would be hard, and it’s totally okay to headcannon Jay naturally smaller. But not giving Jay any muscle tone doesn’t make sense. He is a ninja and works out, so he would have muscle muscle tone, but it doesn’t have to be a lot. Example:

( I don’t what to make anyone mad by this, I just what to make it clear that Jay can be skinny and still have muscle tone)

I also have examples for skin on there too, and for that I say why? Both of those skin tones are white, but unless Jay lives some where there is no light he would not be that pale (left). White peoples have tone to their skin (right), having a white character with some darker tone isn’t gonna make them less white. (Also if jays skin was that pale he wouldn’t really have freckles, as we know he has)

Again I don’t wanna make people mad about this matter, and it’s okay if you disagree with me, I just wanted to put my thoughts into this talk.


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